on 16-01-2014 08:58 PM
Not the ABC, the KSC
Am I the only one who has noticed that the ABC’s summer (and other times, too) television programming is dominated by two incredibly irritating Pommy prats, Kevin McCloud and Stephen Fry? I cannot bear either of them and yet, we have program upon program compered by these two self-centred half-wits.
Take Kevin McCloud (we call him Harry High pants, check out the early series) – what a green-obsessed, pretentious tosser. The other night we caught a bit of a program where he was in effect berating the not-very-well-off couple for ordering a kit home. What – not a kit home? What they really should have done, according to Kevin, is commission an architect to design some completely impractical and expensive abode made out of driftwood and hemp.
And as for Stephen Fry, who evidently thinks Australians should be incarcerated because of our annoying accents (the upward inflexion at the end of sentences does not go down well with this Oxbridge educated bore), is on program after program, including the ridiculous and dreary QI. This program really needs to be renamed - NI.
To be frank, I would rather have repeats of repeats of some of the entertaining drama and comedy produced locally for the ABC – The Library, The Moodys, The Slap, The Time of our Lives, Upper Middle Bogan, etc. Anything but more Kevin and Stephen.
by Judith Sloan.
I'm afraid I have to agree 100% with Judith's complaint. Weeks & weeks of re runs of Grand Designs & now they have gone back to when Kevin had hair. And Stephen Fry! OMG... he's everywhere, pretentious bumptious snob, I'm so sick of him.
Solved! Go to Solution.
on 17-01-2014 06:41 PM
@silverfaun wrote:So you dont know what taking something literally means...........
I do know what taking something literally means - I have no idea whay I’m not referring to any poster on here. Sheesh!! was all about?
And, by the way, I also know what hyberbole means. It is exaggeration for dramatic effect - a literary device which may be appropriate in poetry and some forms of literary prose, but has no place in rational debate.
16-01-2014 09:05 PM - edited 16-01-2014 09:06 PM
Both are fantastic.
Fry does one (ONE!) show regularly on the ABC - the very clever QI. And he occasionally presents a series other than Qi. He did an amazing doco on his experience with depression. And he is about to start another 4 week series about how homosexuality is viewed around the world.
McCloud does one (ONE!) show regularly on the ABC - Grand Designs. And he occasionally presents another series based on interesting aspects of how we live and we design what we do.
But I get it. This is an excuse to have a dig at the ABC and that's all you could find this week - a whinge about a TV station based simply on the fact you don't like 2 personalities.
on 16-01-2014 09:06 PM
I still don't get the thing with the Aussie upward inflection?
And yes I think Stephen Fry is a prat he's right up there with Jeremy Clarkson.
on 16-01-2014 09:07 PM
16-01-2014 09:09 PM - edited 16-01-2014 09:12 PM
Take Kevin McCloud (we call him Harry High pants),
Harry High Pants......that was the nicname given Harry Seidler by his staff many years ago.
It was because he wore his pants high undder his chest, with braces.
on 16-01-2014 09:19 PM
What twaddle you attribute to everything, so tiresome. Of course you'd disagree it's in your DNA.
on 16-01-2014 09:22 PM
@freshwaterbeach wrote:Take Kevin McCloud (we call him Harry High pants),
Harry High Pants......that was the nicname given Harry Seidler by his staff many years ago.
It was because he wore his pants high undder his chest, with braces.
I had a discussion with his wife about this once - she jokingly (at least I think she was joking) said that he hiked his trousers high so that his waist would be the same height as hers. She was much taller than him and had beautiful long legs so not sure how high they had to be hiked lol.
on 16-01-2014 09:22 PM
@silverfaun wrote:What twaddle you attribute to everything, so tiresome. Of course you'd disagree it's in your DNA.
Right back at ya.
on 16-01-2014 09:26 PM
on 16-01-2014 09:27 PM
Water off a ducks back Karen.