Feel like I'm in the Covid Twilight Zone.....worst week ever.

Talk about life being turned upside down!


Hubby works in hospitality and all of the permanent staff where he works have been "stood down" until this is over - he's still employed, but once his paid leave runs out in a few days, he will be unpaid and we will be down to whatever income I am able to bring in through my online sales.


Had to tell the rental agent that we literally cannot afford the rent after this Friday.

Had to tell the Electricity company that we cannot afford their last bill due in April.

Our son is in Year 12 and already these last few weeks have been disruptive and stressful for the kids - no idea if they will even be able to write their mid-year exams, let alone their finals.


On the plus side, all this sitting around at home means less chance of catching the **bleep** thing and we get to spend more time with our rescue dog.


Please stay safe and well everyone - don't take any chances with your health!



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Feel like I'm in the Covid Twilight Zone.....worst week ever.

I hear you. I hope you pull through this with minimum impact
Message 2 of 26
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Feel like I'm in the Covid Twilight Zone.....worst week ever.

I'm sorry to hear that. Tough times for you. Can he get Centrelink support? My son has had all his shifts cancelled also. He works in event management, or setting up for events, and since events have been cancelled, no work. We're both just going into lockdown and I've decided I'll probably open store and keep running auctions with reasonable start prices. Turnover and activity is good for our accounts. I figure if some of it sells low, at least it keeps things ticking over. 

Do you have much spare stock to list during this crisis time?

Message 3 of 26
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Feel like I'm in the Covid Twilight Zone.....worst week ever.

Stores are for fixed price listings.....you have to pay for th auctions.

You could always open another ID and use the free listings on that.

Message 4 of 26
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Feel like I'm in the Covid Twilight Zone.....worst week ever.

That's odd.  You are selling the sorts of things that people stuck at home would be looking at to relieve the boredom.


I sell books and my sales are the best I've had in the last year.


However, one week doesn't a trend make.

Message 5 of 26
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Feel like I'm in the Covid Twilight Zone.....worst week ever.

@davewil1964 wrote:

That's odd.  You are selling the sorts of things that people stuck at home would be looking at to relieve the boredom.


I sell books and my sales are the best I've had in the last year.


However, one week doesn't a trend make.

Please tell me it does. Ditto here 😁

Message 6 of 26
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Feel like I'm in the Covid Twilight Zone.....worst week ever.

@lyndal1838 wrote:

Stores are for fixed price listings.....you have to pay for th auctions.

You could always open another ID and use the free listings on that.

Damn, yeah I just realised that. Why don't they allow auctions in stores? Seems a bit silly because they're restricting activity and sales. I've just found BIN dead. Maybe it's the Australian way, to gamble a bit on an auction, or the thrill of the chase lol Problem is I have a huge amount of stuff I wanted to auction. How many ID's can I have? 😂

Message 7 of 26
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Feel like I'm in the Covid Twilight Zone.....worst week ever.



I've definitely been having sales across my range, from the cushion covers to the craft items, however I am down 30% compared to last month. I am hoping that people will purchase more of my craft items, but my main problem at the moment is that I cannot get my crafting stocks replenished and on some items I'm running pretty low.


I think it's going to get worse as all the discretionary income dries up over the next few weeks 😞

Message 8 of 26
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Feel like I'm in the Covid Twilight Zone.....worst week ever.

I'm down 40% but I think you will find that sales will pick up once the government releases their stimulus packages *fingers crossed*
Message 9 of 26
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Feel like I'm in the Covid Twilight Zone.....worst week ever.

My previously happy number of consistent sales has tanked completely, as who has the money for clothes right now, and even if they do, no one's really going anywhere or socialising so who cares what they look like? lol
Message 10 of 26
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