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France's Reckoning: Rich, Young Flee Welfare State

Community Member

France's Reckoning: Rich, Young Flee Welfare State



Socialisim and the welfare mentality at its finest...... wonder what will happen when they run out of other peoples money


France's day of reckoning has arrived: Its wealthy, best and brightest are saying goodbye to a nation they believe doesn't want them to succeed or become affluent.


A nation that was once great with a socialist president who says he doesnt like rich people....  What hope does it have....



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France's Reckoning: Rich, Young Flee Welfare State

If the pinkos can do it (  undefined  ) I will give it a little try.




Message 2 of 15
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France's Reckoning: Rich, Young Flee Welfare State

That's an excellent video, nero, thanks for posting.



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France's Reckoning: Rich, Young Flee Welfare State

Yeah I don't think you can even begin to compare France and the US.  Obama care is about everyone being able to access basic health care no matter what their income. In the US minimum wage can be as low as 7.00 an hour so there is no comparison apart from the sensationalism from the reporters of that story. 


What we need is balance for far too the long the rich have been greedy and it seems France may have gone the other extreme where workers are not working a full day but instead have the  mentality that business should pay them regardless (equally as wrong).  What they need to do is find a balance where the poor can be looked after properly and business can still make money.




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France's Reckoning: Rich, Young Flee Welfare State

Oh look. A Claytons news story about the French economy disguised under a rightwinged hatred for socialism.


It is a story about the backlash a Paris journalist AnneElizabeth Moutet (think a female version of Bolt) recieved when she wrote an unfactual story about French peoples supposed exodus from their country due to (apparently) the poor economy thanks to Marxism and a newly elected socialist government (of which she has always been critical).


Moutet seems to have forgotten that Frances economy is going strong compared to it's European neighbours and is still quite highly rated despite the GFC. But lets ignore that for now.


Moutet likes to make much of the Presidents dislike of wealthy people because his prelection policies which vowed to cut the tax exemptions the wealthy were enjoying. Fancy that! Imagine making wealthy people pay taxes!! Naughty socialist politicians...


Moutet also fails to mention that her agenda is similar to the one she has had for a number of years - to oppose the French territorial tax which has affected her personally because she works overseas so often.

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France's Reckoning: Rich, Young Flee Welfare State

The EU and socialism is crippling France and the EU is destroying their sovereignty.


France has a massive illegal immigrant problem and no go areas are multiplying in the outer suburbs of Paris and other cities erupting in riots and killings.


The end of entitlement speech Joe Hockey made in UK has resonated around the world and many are looking to Australia to see how the welfare mentality that ballooned under Rudd and Gillard can be wound back


No country can afford to live above its means, soicialism is a cancer and has been proven to be a failed ideology, only murdering dictators and despots cling to it because that's how socialism works.

Message 6 of 15
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France's Reckoning: Rich, Young Flee Welfare State

@icyfroth wrote:

That's an excellent video, nero, thanks for posting.



Yes its a very good video and very true story but the socialist and left will hate it and deny its happening.....   

Message 8 of 15
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France's Reckoning: Rich, Young Flee Welfare State

I'd have to ask after watching that what the issue is?  I don't give that particular video a whole lot of credibility because the woman has a hidden agenda but that's not to say there are no issues because more than likely there are.


So ending socialism to what?  Capitalism? To the gap between rich and poor becoming so extreme that poverty dominates most of the world unless you are rich?  They tell you to work harder, you work harder and it still comes to a pittance.  Do we let people die because we don't want to fund medicare and its your hard luck if yo haven't got any money.


Should we then choose who should live and who should die?  How far do we want to take it.  The ending of the so called welfare mentality will mean that hundreds of thousands of people under 30 won't have money for 6 months to eat, clothe or put a roof over their heads.  800,000 unemployed to 140,000 jobs, math isn't my strong point but come on 760,000 people don't have a job to get, so what do we do with them.  That is only one small example.


All while the fat cats vote themselves constant pay rises or defer them knowing at a later date they will live off  the country in an extravagant lifestyle most people can't even begin to afford. So what is the answer?


As for a country not living beyond its means, there are a load of places government can make changes and cuts too that shouldn't even affect the poor.  There are a handful of influential rich people who are pulling the governments strings.  The government is catering to them.  Now I agree business must make profits but these companies are making billion dollar profits without giving anything back.  They have no social conscience.


So what do we want to future to look like?  We don't have to be in debt if we want a fair system, it just needs fairer distribution.  Do we want to care about society or do we want to have the attitude that everyone is in it for themselves. I know which I would prefer.



Message 9 of 15
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France's Reckoning: Rich, Young Flee Welfare State

@bella_again wrote:

.  Now I agree business must make profits but these companies are making billion dollar profits without giving anything back.  





Where do you think your super comes from?   OHH thats right the dividends from successful companies making a good profit.  Industry UNION super is one of the biggest investors in these companies...  So where do these profits go?  OOHH thats right, back to the workers as superannuation...  Naughty union super funds shouldnt invest in these bad comanies.... 


Where do you think that self funded retirees make their living from? OHH thats right the dividends from successful companies making a good profit that they have invested in


Where do thousands and thousands (millions) of people make an income from employment come from? OHH thats right  from successful well run companies making a good profit.



Yet profit is a dirty word in the socialist leftie  world... 



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