Germaine Greer

Have just been listening to an interview on ABC 24 and she called Juliar Gillard an organ grinders monkey the way she dressed. Here was this wrinkled stick with a head of hair that looked like she had put her hand in the power socket critisizing how another person looked. I personally have never admired this loud, overbearing feminist.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 1 of 227
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226 REPLIES 226

Germaine Greer

@azureline** wrote:

well, maybe not but I doubt intelligence factors into it.

It appears that it does.   Smiley Very Happy

Message 201 of 227
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Germaine Greer

So are we going to remain forever unenlightened or could our relationships expert please explain;




a) exactly which aspects of 'lost' femininity you are referring to?


b) what evidence you have to show that Germaine Greer was shunned by men or that she was jealous of the little tail between their legs


c) Why any self respecting woman would want to direct her efforts towards having  'any amount of said appendage' ' at her beck and call.


d) what, precisely are the โ€˜differences between men and women which men are so attracted too and which are watered down by feminism.


e) What exactly did Germaine Greer write or advocate that led women to abandon their marriages?


Message 202 of 227
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Germaine Greer

@polksaladallie wrote:

She is amazing in that she has written on such diverse topics, all of which require lots of research all over the world, as well as continue with her heavy work load. 

 I have read several of her books, and I'm sure some here would be interested in reading about women worldwide, their lives, their child rearing practices, their marriages, their methods of contraception, etc.  If anyone who cares about others and reads The Change, they will silently weep for those women who have gone before us.

Myself, I prefer a good Stephen King book, now that's an amazing writer.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 203 of 227
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Germaine Greer

@newstart2380 wrote:

@polksaladallie wrote:

She is amazing in that she has written on such diverse topics, all of which require lots of research all over the world, as well as continue with her heavy work load. 

 I have read several of her books, and I'm sure some here would be interested in reading about women worldwide, their lives, their child rearing practices, their marriages, their methods of contraception, etc.  If anyone who cares about others and reads The Change, they will silently weep for those women who have gone before us.

Myself, I prefer a good Stephen King book, now that's an amazing writer.

Hardly life changing though?

Message 204 of 227
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Germaine Greer

My reason for starting this thread was primarily to make a point and I was using the comments made by GG in the part of the interview I heard to say that anyone whether it is GG or Joe Bloggs does not have the right to make such derogatory comments about anyone elses dress sense.

To say to someone they look like a "bit of a dag" is one thing but to make these hideous comments about someone on national television is unacceptable and as I said she should not talk but should have a good look in the mirror before commenting.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 205 of 227
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Germaine Greer

@azureline** wrote:

@newstart2380 wrote:

@polksaladallie wrote:

She is amazing in that she has written on such diverse topics, all of which require lots of research all over the world, as well as continue with her heavy work load. 

 I have read several of her books, and I'm sure some here would be interested in reading about women worldwide, their lives, their child rearing practices, their marriages, their methods of contraception, etc.  If anyone who cares about others and reads The Change, they will silently weep for those women who have gone before us.

Myself, I prefer a good Stephen King book, now that's an amazing writer.

Hardly life changing though?

But have you read one ?  Don't read books to change my life or to find the meaning of life just for pure entertainment and escape from reality and they certainly do that.

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 206 of 227
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Germaine Greer

@icyfroth wrote:

@polksaladallie wrote:

She is amazing in that she has written on such diverse topics, all of which require lots of research all over the world, as well as continue with her heavy work load. 

 I have read several of her books, and I'm sure some here would be interested in reading about women worldwide, their lives, their child rearing practices, their marriages, their methods of contraception, etc.  If anyone who cares about others and reads The Change, they will silently weep for those women who have gone before us.

Like you need to read Germaine Greer for that.

You might not need to read Germaine for that.  However, to be a honest critic of someone you really need to at least have read some of their work.  



Message 207 of 227
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Germaine Greer

@newstart2380 wrote:

@azureline** wrote:

@newstart2380 wrote:

@polksaladallie wrote:

She is amazing in that she has written on such diverse topics, all of which require lots of research all over the world, as well as continue with her heavy work load. 

 I have read several of her books, and I'm sure some here would be interested in reading about women worldwide, their lives, their child rearing practices, their marriages, their methods of contraception, etc.  If anyone who cares about others and reads The Change, they will silently weep for those women who have gone before us.

Myself, I prefer a good Stephen King book, now that's an amazing writer.

Hardly life changing though?

But have you read one ?  Don't read books to change my life or to find the meaning of life just for pure entertainment and escape from reality and they certainly do that.

I have read several................ but for entertainment. Not everything I read is purely for entertainment.

Message 208 of 227
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Germaine Greer

I read The Female Eunuch as a 16 year old and it changed my life.


Mind you I haven't read it since. But I can recall it completely altered the way I viewed myself as a girl and it has definitely shaped me into who I am today.


Her book inspired me to read hundreds of feminist books over the years but all have been lacklustre in comparison.


Even the way she wrote was earth shattering. It was beyond her being simply passionate about the subject or trying to prove a theory. I remember it feeling like she was speaking directly to me.


Even for those that read much and wide, finding a book that changes your life is a one in a million chance.



Message 209 of 227
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Germaine Greer

I am an avid reader.  If I see a subject I know little about read the book

Education doesn't stop when you leave school.

So many books show you a new perspeective on issues.

The Female Eunuch certainly did this for me.





Message 210 of 227
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