on 14-06-2013 10:25 AM
Bill Shorten is making moves & counting numbers behind Gillards back. Another bad poll expected to come out on Monday could see a move against her by the nervous party as they are set to lose all 3 seats in WA, they will have no representation is WA..
Personally I don't think they will change her because the party will not go back to Rudd & Shorten could see his bid for leadership infected with a Gillard guillotining. They would be seen as a cynical dysfunctional party that can't control itself.
They are doomed if they do & doomed if they don't, they are paralysed in a vortex of failures, politics of division, sabotage by Rudd & gigantic missteps from Miss Gillard.
on 14-06-2013 10:42 AM
Labor MP's will, en masse, ignore Gillards request to man school gates to push Gonski.
Her leadership is under immense pressure & MP's are openly distancing themselves from her poisonous leadership.