Halal Choices

Community Member



Halal Choices..... are you concerned with the halal slaughter of animals such as beef, lamb and poultry.


To be halal certified the animal must be facing Mecca, have its throat cut while still alive and then ritually sacrificed by a Muslim who recites a prayer dedicating the slaughter to Allah.


Because the animals must be slaughtered alive, stun guns are often not an option as they can kill an animal before the heart pumps out all the blood.




Do you read the lables to see whats HALAL or not HALAL  Do you purchase HALAL products or not? 


Thoughts on the slaughter of animals for HALAL 





Products That Are Halal Certified





Products That Are Not Halal Certified 



Interesting youtube    https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mSP47FAtn6U  


The presenter is Kirralie Smith, an average Aussie housewife, who does the weekly grocery shopping. 

Ms Smith became aware, then alarmed, about the Islamic halal certification on so many of her shopping list items. She looked for a list of halal certified foods so she could make informed choices about what to buy and what to avoid.

There was no such list, yet so many supermarket products were stamped 'halal certified'.

Ms Smith started to do her own investigation, calling supermarket chains, grocery producers - even the halal certifiers - all so she could be better informed when she went to do her shopping.

She has personally contacted over 500 companies to determine their halal certification status.


What she discovered was bigger than big. 




Kirralie Smith is the founder and director of HalalChoices. Kirralie holds a BA in Theology and lives with her family in coastal New South Wales. What started as an attempt to put together a shopping list for her family led to two years of research into halal certification schemes in Australia; as well as our most comprehensive resource concerning these tax-like schemes now imposed on the majority of our food products.



Message 1 of 231
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230 REPLIES 230

Halal Choices

I dont buy halal because of the billions of dollars it extorts goes to aid isal and el queada and other terrorists group's.

Message 11 of 231
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Halal Choices

@*mrgrizz* wrote:

tell be one abattoir in Australia where animals aren't stunned before slaughter?



Even if there are one or two such abattoirs, I suspect the nimals slaughtered there are killed more humanely than those in some of the countries to which we export our livestock. In view of this,  I wonder if we can expect to see Nero and Lightning on the picket line protesting the live export trade

Message 12 of 231
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Halal Choices

Hello, everyone. This thread is getting a little off-topic. Could we please bring the discussion back to "Halal Choices" and avoid unnecessary stereotyping. Thanks!

Message 13 of 231
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Halal Choices

my last reply was just a general reply, not aimed at you personally.


i would love to see all live trade stopped

Message 14 of 231
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Halal Choices

you need to apply for "ritual slaughter" very few are done within Australia

Message 15 of 231
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Halal Choices

I don't buy halal because it is unethical killing of animals and the money they get goes to terrorist groups overseas.

Message 16 of 231
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Halal Choices

@*mrgrizz* wrote:

my last reply was just a general reply, not aimed at you personally.


i would love to see all live trade stopped

All good, Mr Grizz,  - and I wasn't replying personally either, just adding my own thoughts to your comments.  I, too would like to see an end to the live trade.

Message 17 of 231
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Halal Choices

@lightningdance wrote:

I dont buy halal because of the billions of dollars it extorts goes to aid isal and el queada and other terrorists group's.

could you please explain how marking food as halal extorts any $  ?  All what halal means in regard to food other than meat, is that it was handled correctly, does not contain any alcohol, or shelfish that was not handled correctly.


Voltaire: “Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” .
Message 18 of 231
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Halal Choices

@ufo_investigations wrote:

I don't buy halal because it is unethical killing of animals and the money they get goes to terrorist groups overseas.

It's only unethical if the animals are not stunned before having their throats cut and as for  the money I imagine most of it goes towards feeding. clothing and educating the families of the farmers, abattoir owners, slaughtermen, meat packers, truck drivers, shop staff and everyoneelse  involved in the production chain.

Message 19 of 231
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Halal Choices

So this is aimed at me and nero. What are you getting at, what is your agenda?  this is about halal killing not live exports.


 Every time you respond you make it personal, just what is  your problem other than you  dont like my politics or nero’s either  by you response.


Message 20 of 231
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