on 08-03-2013 02:08 PM
to all Women out there
TODAY is International Women's Day, the one day of the year that we devote to celebrating all things female. From the progress we've made, to the dreams we have for the future.
The day was designed to inspire women and celebrate their achievements. News.com.au spoke to eight women, aged from 10 to 111, and asked them to share their stories.
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/international-womens-day/story-fneszs56-1226592973316#ixzz2Muj8ysJr
on 08-03-2013 02:45 PM
back at ya
do you like today's Google Doodle?
on 08-03-2013 03:19 PM
Hi Meep, It's great 🙂 .I hope you are enjoying your day
on 08-03-2013 03:28 PM
i've got the flu....i think i may have coughed a lung out. Miss 15 kindly brought this horrid virus from school. She got over it relatively quickly. Both the OH and I have it.
Apart from that, everything is a OK.
How are you?
on 08-03-2013 03:35 PM
Hi Meep, You poor things...sore ribs from coughing too ? My DD shared that with me not too long ago .Like your DD she recovered quickly.I ended up needing antibiotics .I hope that you are both feeling better soon.
I'm all good ...just a bit hot and tired
on 08-03-2013 04:00 PM
i've got the flu....i think i may have coughed a lung out. Miss 15 kindly brought this horrid virus from school. She got over it relatively quickly. Both the OH and I have it.
Apart from that, everything is a OK.
How are you?
Alot ok kids hav that, must be becuase their immune systems are that pepped up on flu shots, i'm just sayin....
on 08-03-2013 04:22 PM
Hi Meep, You poor things...sore ribs from coughing too ? My DD shared that with me not too long ago .Like your DD she recovered quickly.I ended up needing antibiotics .I hope that you are both feeling better soon.
I'm all good ...just a bit hot and tired
glad you're well.
yep, on strong antibiotics here.
on 08-03-2013 04:24 PM
Alot ok kids hav that, must be becuase their immune systems are that pepped up on flu shots, i'm just sayin....
do many kids get flu shots? mine doesn't. we don't either but should seriously consider it.
on 08-03-2013 05:33 PM
Before she was attacked, Malala was in the process of setting up an organization with her friends to get girls into school and out of domestic labor. The first grant of the Malala Fund will continue this process and provide a safe space for the girls, resources for a positive learning environment and an incentive program for families. After a needs assessment and final program design, the project will be launched and running by spring