Housework, Death, And Hipster Jihadi Husbands


This is the picture which has emerged from a new report into the lives of women who leave their comfortable lives in the West to join the fight for Islamic State.


Researchers Carolyn Hoyle, Alexandra Bradford and Ross Frenett analysed the accounts of women from Britain, The Netherlands, Canada and Austria.

Their report also analyses the ambitions of women and fighters.


Their report also analyses the ambitions of women and fighters.


And it examines the idea the motive that some move to IS-controlled areas to bag an attractive ‘hipster jihadi’, researcher Ross Frenett told UK newspaper The Telegraph.


He said some would be wives would be attracted to the “image of the jihadist soldier with the wind in his hair”.


The report warns that in addition to heavenly rewards, there are other motives for seeking a fighter husband.


“The imagery of a lion and a lioness, of finding a brave and noble husband, is prevalent among female supporters of ISIS,” it says.


It also details how a sense of identity, which they don’t feel they have in the west, also helps shape the search for their fighter husbands.


The women’s accounts also reveal what they felt leaving their families behind, their day-to-day lives as well as a glimpse into death and martyrdom.


 As well as revealing homesickness with posts of missing their families, some have revealed that life since moving is full of domestic duties.


One woman revealed: “The best thing for a women is to be a righteous wife and to raise righteous children.’


Women also need either a male chaperon, or other women to travel with.

But they are also given monthly food supplies, as well as a monthly allowance while married women and their husbands get a house.

And while some receive gifts from the spoils of war, the women reveal life isn’t easy.


One woman writes: “Electricity is unreliable and internet access can be patchy. You can have electricity most of the time or you can rarely have it — it just depends upon your circumstance — but you have to be prepared for not having your mobile charged or their (sic) not being light (alhumdulilah [thanks be to God] for battery powered lights and candles) and maybe even learn how to wash your clothes by hand since you really cannot depend on the washing machine here.”


Life on the streets is also hard, shops never open during prayer time and many people carry guns.


Entire Article Here


 Maybe even learn to wash your clothes by hand omg Woman Surprised



Message 1 of 29
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Housework, Death, And Hipster Jihadi Husbands



I reckon Jeans / Trousers are the worst.


The dirt seems to get in grained in the material.



And yes, I have hand washed clothes, not often mind you Smiley LOL




Message 11 of 29
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Housework, Death, And Hipster Jihadi Husbands

Towels, shouldn't get dirty.  Unless you didn't wash yourself properlySmiley Tongue  Outdoor drying and shaking should be sufficient.


And thinking back, it wasn't the hand washing that hurt.  It was the wringing that caused callouses.



Message 12 of 29
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Housework, Death, And Hipster Jihadi Husbands


Didn't you have one of those Wooden Rollers to runt he clothes through that rung the water out. They were great, have used one up bush in NSW.

Message 13 of 29
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Housework, Death, And Hipster Jihadi Husbands

Nup.  Poor as.....early on.  Progressed to Whirlpool ringer/washer.  Still got the scar where I pushed a garment through the wringer and my hand went with it,  didn't know where the release lever was.........


Then the Hoover twin tub.  Then fully auto Hoover 520 (it was the hardest worker).  Moved back to Mum's still using the 25 yo Maytag.  When it dies, sell for scrap and back to handwash. 



Message 14 of 29
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Housework, Death, And Hipster Jihadi Husbands

I've got one of those wringers.


roller wringer.JPG

Message 15 of 29
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Housework, Death, And Hipster Jihadi Husbands




Yep, that's it.


Yours looks a nice fancy one compared to some I have seen



Message 16 of 29
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Housework, Death, And Hipster Jihadi Husbands

Nice display piece.  Looks like a re-formed B&D Workmate doing its job there Joono.  Smiley Very Happy


Tell us, are the rollers wooden or rubber?  If rubber how do you keep it "supple"  because I picked up an old one and its rollers are cracked.  I smeared vaseline on them, haven't checked on them lately, though.


Anybody else got clues to bring rubber back to life?  


I know it's nearly off topic, Icy.  Smiley Embarassed



Message 17 of 29
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Housework, Death, And Hipster Jihadi Husbands




Try Armourall from a Car shop, Supercheap Auto.


Yes, it is a bit pricey but it works on car dashboards and i have used it for years on

Spotlight suction cups made of rubber to stop them going hard while in storage.

Has worked for 25+ years.





Message 18 of 29
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Housework, Death, And Hipster Jihadi Husbands

I've been washing my clothes by hand fir twenty five years. Washing machines don't actually get clothes clean, they make them wet but not really clean.


washing machines have improved

quite a lot since then.






Message 19 of 29
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Housework, Death, And Hipster Jihadi Husbands

@lloydslights wrote:

Nice display piece.  Looks like a re-formed B&D Workmate doing its job there Joono.  Smiley Very Happy


Tell us, are the rollers wooden or rubber?  If rubber how do you keep it "supple"  because I picked up an old one and its rollers are cracked.  I smeared vaseline on them, haven't checked on them lately, though.


Anybody else got clues to bring rubber back to life?  


I know it's nearly off topic, Icy.  Smiley Embarassed





Ok ok enough with the washing,  back to the topic of women finding romance in the notion of being a Jihadi bride.


They imagine themselves to be lionesses fighting at their husbands side then realising what they're really there for is to breed up more fighters for the cause.

Message 20 of 29
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