on 08-03-2015 05:21 PM
on 09-03-2015 10:43 AM
Read through all the posts on all the threads here, and you will have the knowledge.
on 09-03-2015 10:49 AM
@**bob_is_good** wrote:So if you believe a person turn water into wine, or believe in a talking donkey or snake or believe a person born of a virgin you're sane.
If you believe Elvis is still alive, you're insane.
Is that the gist of what you said? If enough people believe it, you're no longer insane?
Isn't he? I have coffee ready for him, anyway.
on 09-03-2015 11:30 AM
on 09-03-2015 11:35 AM
I'm willing to entertain the idea of Elvis still being alive, but if he is, then he obviously wants to be left alone and enjoy his retirement in peace. So Bob, ,, ,,,
. . . . . . . Leave Elvis Alone !
on 09-03-2015 11:59 AM
How do you really tell the difference between someone who's sane vs someone Insane?
psychiatrists are are trained in diagnosing
mental illness.
everything ok bob?
on 09-03-2015 12:18 PM
@curmu-curmu wrote:
@**bob_is_good** wrote:Go.
Sane people don't post inane topic threads on chatroom boards?
Their behaviour had nothing at all to do with discussions, debating, or even particularly-strongly held beliefs.
09-03-2015 12:28 PM - edited 09-03-2015 12:29 PM
on 09-03-2015 12:46 PM
Or get shot by police.
on 09-03-2015 01:07 PM
Luney Tune- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4osh7M_cOs4
Ballad of Dwight Fry- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoApny_rmnI
From the inside- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pod22m75hhw
Millie and Billie- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIAqPUmkAJ8
we're all crazy- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuL2Enq74wk
Mama we're all crazy now- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cD8RAhCAyt4
Medical professionals get diagnoses wrong sometimes. Release patients as being fine and they go and murder a family member.
Medical professionals also take the word of police and go by what they say as fact with no other evedence to support their lies. Hence, me riding my bicycle in the middle of the road and blocking traffic.
09-03-2015 08:10 PM - edited 09-03-2015 08:12 PM