on โ07-05-2013 09:18 PM
If WINGNUT and the his party get elected , how many terms do you think they will hold power?
on โ08-05-2013 01:31 AM
The NLP might stay in a few years, but i don't believe Tony Abbot will lead them very long.
on โ09-05-2013 06:04 PM
The consus of this poll is 5 terms or more thats like around 20 years, perhaps that may see some Labor candidates who are not either ex-union misfits or ex- union lawers.
We can live in hope anyhow
on โ09-05-2013 09:32 PM
wing nut
a person who has ears that stick out so much they can get pay TV for free.
on โ09-05-2013 10:40 PM
They will stay in power long enough to bring the budget back into surplus and build up a nice little nest egg for the Labor Party to squander when we are silly enough to give them another chance.
That is the cycle of Australian politics.
on โ10-05-2013 12:47 AM
Not if they threaten the people with a de-facto return to AWA's. He'll last one term.