on 03-06-2013 01:56 PM
Or does 'Ol Tone think he has No Confidence in his No Confidence Motion.
The Independents have labelled it as "Pathetic " 😉
Chrissy Pyne, has been phoning everyone.
I bet 'Ol Tone blames the Government that Asbestos has been found in Telstras Pits. 😉
on 03-06-2013 02:05 PM
More of the same, no policy but an extension of the longest tantrum in politics.
pyne is all tantrum no substance.
on 03-06-2013 02:13 PM
chrrissy's chuckin' a 'issyfitt all over 'is mate turnbull now,
on turnbull's agreement with swan over the ol' republic issue.
on 03-06-2013 02:16 PM
Lucky that's not a caption this photo.
looks like he could be flashing his weenie
he looks positively unwell, not in body but in mind/spirit
on 03-06-2013 02:21 PM
I bet 'Ol Tone blames the Government that Asbestos has been found in Telstras Pits. 😉
Funny you should say that, that was the accusation in his first question today.
on 03-06-2013 03:52 PM
I saw that coming a mile off. LOL
Poor 'ol Tone is becoming very predictable. I reckon the Libs will use the Egyptian Detainee talked about at length today as the catalyst for the No Confidence Motion.;-) later in the week if not tomorrow.
On another matter, I would love to know the ins and outs of Ms Bishops secret arrangement she has with the government of Indonesia over returning the boats. Oh dear how embarrassing for her.
on 03-06-2013 04:17 PM
Pyne knows the no confidence motion has no chance, thats why they chose the old suspension of standing orders trick for the 60th odd time (albo would know, but i didn't hear him) Albo is the best fiery speechmaker in the place, he crushes the rest.
i liked Albo, my favorite thing about him are his crooked teeth.. he could have had them straightened but chooses not to. he's not a simpering pampered poodle like those opposite .