on 17-06-2013 09:51 PM
(and no, it has nothing to do with the length of my ignore list lol!).
But I am wondering 2 questions:
1. What is happiness?
2. What makes you the happiest?
I know you're all going to say my kids, my husband etc. But what SPECIFICALLY makes you the happiest?
on 21-06-2013 12:40 AM
Hail fellow! Well met. 🙂
on 21-06-2013 03:09 AM
By moonlight?
on 21-06-2013 03:12 AM
I think it's by the light of one of those energy saving globes. 😉
on 21-06-2013 03:31 AM
A watt of energy saved is a watt of energy earned 🙂
They all add to ones coulomb store
on 21-06-2013 08:24 AM
I'd be happy to make more than one sale on eBay a day
I am very materialistic 😉