I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Adam Goodes has copped it twice this week - once from a kid and then by an adult who should know better.


I feel so ashamed of this country at this moment. I am sick of hearing a sentence start with "I am not racist but..." before the person launches into a race based attack on indigenous people (or Asians. Or Muslims).


What I have found the most interesting about the Goodes incident is how many people made excuses that made him look like the antagonist. Almost as if making racist remarks about indigenous people is no big deal. Treating him as if his feelings, his views (and everything about him) is unimportant. And I am staggered at how many people know so little about the history of racism a history that so many generations of indigenous people have had to go through.


And now Eddie Mcquire has shown us that racist comments against indigenous people is lurking just on the tips of our tongues waiting to be blurted out without refrain. 


I can't help but agree with this: One of the most savage responses to McGuire came from Magpies backman Harry O'Brien, who admonished his president, declaring he was ''extremely disappointed''. ''In my opinion race relations in this country is systematically a national disgrace,'' he said. 
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/afl/afl-news/eddie-offers-to-stand-aside-20130529-2nc63.html


I agree with that last line - it is a national disgrace.

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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

OH DEAR!!!!!



with a rebel yell....we cried more more more...



Message 191 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Yothu Yindi is my favourite...and Goanna too (though not strictly indigenous).  I traveled down the west coast from Fitzroy crossing to Perth, stopping in every town they played in.....great fun...danced my bum off.

Message 192 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Yes...and of course Katy, lets not forget the Welsh, but for that matter, the lower class English didn't escape the longest 'ism' that ever was either....CLASSISM. 


wonder when the world will start discussing that?  the ism of all ism's?...lol

Message 193 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?



Love this one.  



Message 194 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

I think classism is still alive and well and living all over the world.  



Message 195 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

I think classism is still alive and well and living all over the world.  



yes and from it stems all other isms....even in this country.  (ask Gina two bucks...lol)

Message 196 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?


All I see is the so called self proclaimed victims doing nothing to help themselves, instead of raising above all the so called racism and proving they are better, they prefer to continue to be victims.


Everyone in this country has the opportunity to become what ever they wish with effort and dedication, no one is holding them back from having the same health care and living standards as the rest of Australians have.   



If you are referring to Adam Goodes his record and income speak for themselves one would think ? He has risen above it all .

As far as being a better Australian ? Give me an Australian who shows respect for other Australians and our Laws over someone who doesn't any day of the week.

Message 197 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

I like the music up there 

Message 198 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

I once read a statement written by a female African American.  She said (paraphrasing) that "we are discriminated against firstly because we are black, and we are discriminated against secondly because we are women".  


Where does it all come from?  

Message 199 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Here's one for you, Iza:




I prefer it to the Christine Anu version 🙂



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