I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Adam Goodes has copped it twice this week - once from a kid and then by an adult who should know better.


I feel so ashamed of this country at this moment. I am sick of hearing a sentence start with "I am not racist but..." before the person launches into a race based attack on indigenous people (or Asians. Or Muslims).


What I have found the most interesting about the Goodes incident is how many people made excuses that made him look like the antagonist. Almost as if making racist remarks about indigenous people is no big deal. Treating him as if his feelings, his views (and everything about him) is unimportant. And I am staggered at how many people know so little about the history of racism a history that so many generations of indigenous people have had to go through.


And now Eddie Mcquire has shown us that racist comments against indigenous people is lurking just on the tips of our tongues waiting to be blurted out without refrain. 


I can't help but agree with this: One of the most savage responses to McGuire came from Magpies backman Harry O'Brien, who admonished his president, declaring he was ''extremely disappointed''. ''In my opinion race relations in this country is systematically a national disgrace,'' he said. 
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/afl/afl-news/eddie-offers-to-stand-aside-20130529-2nc63.html


I agree with that last line - it is a national disgrace.

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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

why wouldn't it?




something wrong if our media didn't cover these issues don't you think ?

It would be like saying they aren't important ?

due to the media informing us about it hopefully more Australians will realise that it is racially offensive to call an Indigenous Australian an ape .That's a good thing I think

Message 31 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Informing us is quite different to sensationalizing it, giving opinions (as Bolt does, for example).


Yes, I remember good journalism. Hopefully we accept less of the bad in future?

Message 32 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Informing us is quite different to sensationalizing it, giving opinions (as Bolt does, for example).


Yes, I remember good journalism. Hopefully we accept less of the bad in future?



yes hopefully 🙂

Message 33 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Not giving it media attention as in the current cases, would make it less acceptable.... less able to be justified, imo.


I disagree.


This week has shown just how far we have to go. I'm not talking about the 2 incidents specifically but the reactions from the general populous.


Racism deserves media attention. Unfortunately, whilst our media is slowly becoming more and more intolerant and less intelligent (Bolt, Ackerman etc), then unfortunately the decent discussions in the media are being drowned out by morons.

Message 34 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Can you imagine the uproar if someone in the media in the United States made the same comment about Oprah Winfrey?


Australia has a way to go.


I think Joono you are the only one seeing my point.


Imagine if Goodes was Jewish. And a 13 year old (or anyone) yelled "You should be gassed" cause she wasn't happy about the way he was playing football. Perhaps she didn't quite understand the significance of that comment. Because she (and others in the community) don't know the details of the atrocities against the Jewish race although they most likely know that they have been discriminated against over the years.


The Jewish Goodes can't believe his ears. He is visibly upset. Explains in an interview what that comment means to him personally and to his (Jewish) people. So that even those who have no idea that the significance of "gassed" now have an inkling. 


Would we be making the same excuses then? Would we have people saying the Jewish Goodes should "man up"? Would we all somehow come up with a reverse racism story in the hope of justifying our own racism? Would we be saying "These people need to earn their respect"? Would we still be saying "Why do they have to bring up things from the past that don't apply to me?"


Of course not.


But somehow the same rules don't apply to our indigenous people. We still don't show them respect even after all that we have put them through. That's the disgrace.


(NOTE: and I say "we" collectively as a nation and don't mean everyone obviously.)

Message 35 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

IF the AFL is serious about stamping out racism, they should pay 90,000 Aboriginal people to go to the MCG to watch a game of footy with both sides all Aboriginal except for 1 or 2 white people on each team.


Then lets see how well behaved the crowd is towards them white fella's :^O


-- A
Message 36 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

there was another incident Martini 


Video emerges of second Collingwood fan shouting racist abuse


Date May 26, 2013


Another Collingwood fan has been captured on video yelling racist comments during Friday night's AFL match against Sydney.

Swans superstar Adam Goodes has already spoken of his deep distress at being called an ''ape'' by a 13-year-old girl supporting the Magpies late in the MCG clash.The Seven Network's AFL Game Day on Sunday showed footage of a man wearing Collingwood apparel screaming about indigenous players during the same game.

''Give it to Goodes because he is black. Give it to (Lewis) Jetta because he is black. It's indigenous round umpire,'' the barracker shouted.

A Magpies spokesman said if the man is a Collingwood member and the club is able to identify him, he would have his membership cancelled in line with the club's zero tolerance policy to racism. However, the Magpies have viewed the footage and believe it was from the top level of the MCG's Southern Stand, which is not an area reserved for their members. That indicates the man is probably not a Collingwood member.


 Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/afl/afl-news/video-emerges-of-second-collingwood-fan-shouting-racist-abuse-201...



unfortunately some seem to see Indigenous Australians speaking out about racism kind of like being 'given/handed' something ...rather than a right we all have 


Message 37 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

I was checking out the launch of the Australian Guardian and found this article:




I thought people might be interested in both 🙂



Message 38 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

Community Member

There is racism in all cultures, until we all learn to ignore and not give it the attention it receives it will continue to be an issue.


I don't agree. Until we learn to treat each other nicely it will continue.

While we allow and encourage the teasing and taunting of people the racism, sexism and bullying will continue.

Message 39 of 254
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I am wondering why we trivialise indigenous racism in Australia?

You can not force people not to be racist & trying to do so or ostracising them for their attitude will not solve the problem it will only make it worse.  

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