I love a good thunder storm

It's been rumbling around here for about 20 minutes. Lots of noise and now we can see the lightning out to sea.
I love the dramatics of a storm (especially when I'm nice and safe tucked up inside ๐Ÿ™‚ )

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I love a good thunder storm

Yeah.... I agree....nothing like a gooooood bangMan Tongue




10 Ways Sex Is Like a Thunderstormโ€ฆ

  1. Sometimes you can see it in the forecast, a long way away, and you have time to prepare for it. Other times, it just sneaks up on you.
  2. You never know whether youโ€™re going to get big booms or a distant rumbling that you arenโ€™t even sure is really thunder.
  3. Like a good rain pours into the earth and feeds life, good sex pours into your heart and feeds your marriage.
  4. It can make the house shake.
  5. Sometimes the lights stay on; other times you dig out your candles.
  6. It can happen any timeโ€”morning, noon, or night.
  7. You can have a series of thunderstorms over a period of days, or just one little storm that pops up during the week.
  8. It can be scary.
  9. It is primal.
  10. It is Godโ€™s awesome power at work.


atheism is a non prophet organization
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I love a good thunder storm

dirty minded **bleep**......... bet you looked at the first spoiler  Smiley Very Happy **bleep**
atheism is a non prophet organization
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I love a good thunder storm

Beautiful storm here in Sydneys west this arvo too, Lurks, a huge clap of thunder just as on of our girls stepped out the door to go home she must've jumped 6 foot lol

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I love a good thunder storm

I miss a good storm

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I love a good thunder storm

I've been sitting outside, on the patio, watching and listening. It's awesome!

Creator of the Most Awesome Thread Topic EVER
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I love a good thunder storm

Uh oh! Here comes the rain. Off I go, back inside lol

Creator of the Most Awesome Thread Topic EVER
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I love a good thunder storm

So jealous, enjoy!
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I love a good thunder storm

Woo! Pouring now ๐Ÿ™‚
Love it!

Creator of the Most Awesome Thread Topic EVER
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I love a good thunder storm

@lurker17260 wrote:
It's been rumbling around here for about 20 minutes. Lots of noise and now we can see the lightning out to sea.
I love the dramatics of a storm (especially when I'm nice and safe tucked up inside ๐Ÿ™‚ )

Yes, me too.  It's not too crash hot when you're outside and the storm hits though  ๐Ÿ˜„

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