Inside Story Last NIght

Screened the story of Rajina Subramaniam, the biggest female fraudster in Australian history:


First, the intriguing story of Rajina Subramaniam – the biggest con-woman this country has ever seen. The timid Sydney accountant stole more than $45 million from one of the country’s largest corporations. Then she went on a spectacular spending spree. And, all the while, she was involved in a bizarre love triangle … right under the noses of unsuspecting workmates.



When the 42-year-old left her nondescript office in the ING building on Kent Street and walked into Paspaley - or any of the dozen other luxury stores she frequented during her lunch breaks - she stopped being a troubled accountant from Castle Hill and became a shining star.


The shop assistants - most of them on commission - welcomed her as a treasured friend, ushering her into private viewing rooms with a glass of champagne to see the latest, most expensive items in stock.


Invariably she walked out with something most could save for a lifetime and never afford.


In the end Subramaniam's haul included 600 jewellery items, 200 Chanel products including perfume and make-up, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of Michael Jackson memorabilia and vintage champagne.


There was also $18 million worth of prestige properties in Bondi Beach, Kirribilli and the CBD. But the boxes of jewels were never opened. The apartments went unused.


Rajina Subramaniam's crime - the largest case of fraud by a woman in Australia's history - was not driven by greed, but by a desire for human kindness, empowerment and revenge.


Judge Finnane found Subramaniam abused her position as a trusted accountant to undertake the crime. But the method she used was not particularly sophisticated, relying on either the transfer of funds into accounts under her maiden name or directly into the accounts of the shops she wished to purchase from.


ING only became aware of the scam when Paspaley Pearls rang up to check that it had authorised the payment of $2.5 million for a diamond auction.


While an ING spokeswoman said the company was ''satisfied with its current security measures'', some have questioned the effectiveness of its internal auditing processes.


Regardless, the company has taken a significant financial hit as a result of the crime.

Virtually all of the goods and property purchased have been recovered and resold, but sales data obtained by the Herald shows that, in the case of the apartments in Kirribilli and Bondi Beach, ING was forced to sell for much less than their former accountant paid.

The biggest case of fraud by a woman in Australia's history may be finished in a legal sense but the financial ramifications will be felt for some time.


Entire Article Here.


Um Ah. Someone in Senior Accounting Management was asleep at the wheel there, or had other reasons for looking the other way.


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Inside Story Last NIght

Community Member

Curious.  I wonder why they are focusing on her story only. There was a man featured as well who had ripped off millions and mostly from people he knew or others he just met and conned.    

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Inside Story Last NIght

@gleee58 wrote:

Curious.  I wonder why they are focusing on her story only. There was a man featured as well who had ripped off millions and mostly from people he knew or others he just met and conned.    

Yes that was an incredible story too.

I don't know why it was overshadowed by Rajina, but that's mostly what was talked about around the water cooler at work today.

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Inside Story Last NIght

I'm sorry I missed that story......I wanted to watch it.


How stupid were the people around her?.........sigh..... 

"High and low pressure systems cause the day-to-day changes in our weather." ...Metoffice.......

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Inside Story Last NIght

I find it difficult to believe that the sale of the properties didn't produce a profit.


If one person could steal that much, there might have been others doing similar with smaller amounts.


 I am astounded at the magnitude.  And aren't there independent auditors anymore?



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Inside Story Last NIght

During her interview with police shortly after being arrested, Subramaniam said: ''My manager is so slack, he didn't care, so I was sort of doing it to see when I would get caught [but] you know, he just left it open for me.''

She said the manager - who cannot be named - would come in at 10am, and appeared not to be interested in the job.

It is understood Subramaniam did not have any formal accounting qualifications, but had worked her way up from the position of assistant accountant.

Read more:

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Inside Story Last NIght

It depends what year she bought the properties.. if it was a boom year she may have paid more than they were really worth, value now maybe lower, less demand from buyers in those high price ranges.


They would have been sold for a quick sale.. so won't get premium price. If a homeowner was selling their own home, they could hang out for 6mths, a year or longer to try and get the price they want.


Not owning up to her behaviour if she trying to blame her boss.. going a bit far stealing $45m just because your boss is slack!

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Inside Story Last NIght

@am*3 wrote:

It depends what year she bought the properties.. if it was a boom year she may have paid more than they were really worth, value now maybe lower, less demand from buyers in those high price ranges.


They would have been sold for a quick sale.. so won't get premium price. If a homeowner was selling their own home, they could hang out for 6mths, a year or longer to try and get the price they want.


Not owning up to her behaviour if she trying to blame her boss.. going a bit far stealing $45m just because your boss is slack!

Yeah true. I guess no-one else thought of that.


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Inside Story Last NIght




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Inside Story Last NIght

@am*3 wrote:





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