on 13-07-2014 12:31 AM
The 2014 Archibald Prize finalists have been announced, Tim Storrier's painting of Sir Les Patterson has won the Packing room prize, who's your pick for the big one? I can never choose just one.
13-07-2014 06:30 AM - edited 13-07-2014 06:31 AM
Thanks for posting link cosmo
I like these 3:
Fuifui Moimoi by N Payne .....love this:)
Morpheus by A Mezei ...........for the atmospherics created-fantastic!
Reg Richardson by M Cairns.....excellent composition, placement etc. Very clever.
on 13-07-2014 06:46 AM
I wish someone next year would do an iconic painting, that says something more realistic about our present Australian way of life....like a painting of a fly-in-fly-out worker say, after a haggard couple of weeks of twelve hour shifts in a stinking hot mine site - waiting outside the ramshackle Perth airport terminal for a lift home! Many folk would relate to this......
on 13-07-2014 07:00 AM
Morpheus - Andrew Meizi - The many textures of the artistry and the interpretation of the subject's occupation.
Tom Uren - Mirra Whale
Sarah Peirse - Jude Rae
I have never selected the winning entry over many years of observation.
on 13-07-2014 07:18 AM
To be able to capture that weariness and the dazed eyes. And the "just let me get home to my bed" slumped-shoulders.
Great subject for a compassionate artist.
I'm not denigrating the miner in any way, but the subject of the Archibald is usually of someone of importance within the arts, medicine, politics, business, etc. world.
Maybe someone else can help us with an artist that has captured "real life" identities by way of a brush.
on 13-07-2014 08:14 AM
the Archibald is supposed to be of a person of note in the Arts, Science, Education or Politics etc...
13-07-2014 08:24 AM - edited 13-07-2014 08:25 AM
Oh God forbid then!......a painting of a weary FIFO miner/worker ....with say, the Minister for Mines loping around in the background then.....that would qualify ?
....problem would be finding any Minister prepared to go within a few feet of the Perth Domestic Airport and/or near a 'real' worker.
on 13-07-2014 09:19 AM
on 13-07-2014 10:14 AM
My fav artists for this years Archibald......
Judy Rae
Nicolee Payne
Julian Meagher
Joanna Braithwaite
How hard would it be to choose the finalists.....let alone the winner.
on 13-07-2014 10:30 AM
Had another look at the painting by Andrew Mezei, as his name seems to be a popular choice on here.
I love his explanation of the painting but when I look at it, there is something not quite right with her head/face?
Does anyone else get that feeling? and if so, I wonder if it's on purpose ?