Italian Court Rules MMR Causes Autism


Interesting read.  Not sure the validity of the following link though:

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Italian Court Rules MMR Causes Autism

I'm not even sure how they came to that conclusion given there is so much evidence to suggest that MMR is not the cause but it certainly reopens the debate.

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Italian Court Rules MMR Causes Autism

"it certainly reopens the debate."


There is no reasoned debate, as the world medical authorities accept MMR vaccinations,  just the odd story, and this one stems from a procedure over 8 years ago, and a finding handed down 6 months ago.


However, it is the weekend and the "Mail 0n Line"

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Italian Court Rules MMR Causes Autism


Until they actually find a definitive cause for autism there will always be reasons to wonder....


This is confusing


Landmark ruling in an Italian court has said Valentino Bocca's autism was provoked by the MMR jab he had at aged nine months


His parents had delayed for a month the triple MMR jab (normally given at 13 months)


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