Joe Hockey 1987 protests- Uni fee

I would like to know what Christopher Pyne thinks about the protestors behaviour in this video... pushing security guards and breaking into Uni Admin offices.


Joe Hockey speaks on the video.


Joe Hockey video from 1987 shows Treasurer protesting against university fees

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Message 1 of 95
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Joe Hockey 1987 protests- Uni fee

Yes, that is what people will have to weigh up. If a graduate can't get a job earning over $50 000 soon after graduating (when the compulsory repayments kick in) their debt is going to keep increasing with a 6% (max.) interest rate applied to it.
A debt that will already be much higher than those other students who took out their loan pre Budget changes.

A double degree, 6 yrs, Law as one degree total fees now are $60 000+. For young students to be competitive in job seeking they need a double degree.
Message 81 of 95
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Joe Hockey 1987 protests- Uni fee

@am*3 wrote:
The important part is $280 a paltry amount (reintroduced by Labor) to complain about, compared to the LNP changes in the Budget.

it is a charge that does nothing to benefit my education... it goes to the student accociation... the new name for the student union... 


I know that for a fact... think what you want.... I know it for a fact... the uni does not keep it they pass it on.. they just collect it. 

Message 82 of 95
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Joe Hockey 1987 protests- Uni fee

That's what I have done am3 I've weighed up the costs and I am wondering now at 42 as I will do it p/t so won't finish till about 46 whether its worth it.  I'd like to as I have a love for learning but more than that would like to work at least p/t.  I still have to care for my girls so will be limited as to when and how I would work as two of them need f/t supervision at varying levels.


I have been accepted into a course but am thinking of pulling out.

Message 83 of 95
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Joe Hockey 1987 protests- Uni fee

@catsnknots wrote:

@am*3 wrote:
The important part is $280 a paltry amount (reintroduced by Labor) to complain about, compared to the LNP changes in the Budget.

it is a charge that does nothing to benefit my education... it goes to the student accociation... the new name for the student union... 


I know that for a fact... think what you want.... I know it for a fact... the uni does not keep it they pass it on.. they just collect it. 

It is all accounted for and the allocation of funds are shown on Uni websites, by %  as to what areas it is spent on.


$280 p.a. is a drop in the ocean and would not affect a prospective students choice in whether to undertake a University degree or not.


imo it is petty to complain about $280 p.a when new prospective students are facing $10,000's of increases in Uni fees due to changes in Hockey's budget.


I didn't want to pay the Student Fee either ($400+ upfront before enrolment processed), but it was compulsory so I did. I am  not going to be still going on about it years later.


Not all taxypayers use schools or roads or hospitals, but they still pay tax which goes towards funding those services.


Message 84 of 95
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Joe Hockey 1987 protests- Uni fee

@bella_again wrote:

That's what I have done am3 I've weighed up the costs and I am wondering now at 42 as I will do it p/t so won't finish till about 46 whether its worth it.  I'd like to as I have a love for learning but more than that would like to work at least p/t.  I still have to care for my girls so will be limited as to when and how I would work as two of them need f/t supervision at varying levels.


I have been accepted into a course but am thinking of pulling out.



It is all a bit messy for prospective students like yourselves.


Will the changes get passed through Senate?

If they do and the changes are introduced beg of 2016, will those students who start in 2015 on the old fee structure be able to stay on those lower fees for their whole degree etc (which I have read the Universities think they should be able to do).


The Uni Vice-Chancellors have a lot of issues with the changes, mainly regarding time needed to work out new fees and be able to inform students of them in time.




Message 85 of 95
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Joe Hockey 1987 protests- Uni fee

1. Libraries, reading rooms and group work spaces;

2. Study skill development;

3. Employment services and advice on careers;

4. Financial advice and assistance;

5. Advice on policies, procedures and rules;

6. Production and dissemination of media;

7. Advocacy in matters arising from policies, procedures and rules;

8. Orientation to student life;

9. Food and drink on campus; and

10. Health and welfare services.



Funny that all of these things at my uni were once provided by the student association (union) and now they are all paid for with the rebadged fee.... 

Message 86 of 95
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Joe Hockey 1987 protests- Uni fee

@catsnknots wrote:

@am*3 wrote:
The important part is $280 a paltry amount (reintroduced by Labor) to complain about, compared to the LNP changes in the Budget.

it is a charge that does nothing to benefit my education... it goes to the student accociation... the new name for the student union... 


I know that for a fact... think what you want.... I know it for a fact... the uni does not keep it they pass it on.. they just collect it. 

It is not a new name for the student union. They have both existed for years and perform different functions.  As am pointed out the fees are something else. When I was at uni we paid both to union and association fees.  

Message 87 of 95
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Joe Hockey 1987 protests- Uni fee

That's where its a little confusing until its through the senate the details won't be clear. Some say it will not only affect future students but the interest rate may be applied to former students.  I am due to start in about 5 weeks time.  i had the option of doing yet another dip of community services which to me seems crazy considering I already have 2 dips although would make me more employable to a greater degree.


Social Work is of interest to me and so much boarder.  I was hoping that by having a degree I would be even more employable.


Anyway I guess I will have to weigh up the costs again and re look at the pros and cons.

Message 88 of 95
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Joe Hockey 1987 protests- Uni fee

Maybe start doing the course and reassess when/if the new fees come in? You may get 1.5 years at least under the old fee structure.

Message 89 of 95
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Joe Hockey 1987 protests- Uni fee

The SSA Fee is not an issue in the Budget changes for Uni students, which is what this thread is about.


The SSAF is a compulsory fee, don't like it, lobby the Govt to have it removed.

Message 90 of 95
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