Labor contemplates the unthinkable

Community Member

Labor cannot seriously believe the electorate will tolerate that crypto-fascist Rudd governing our country again.


This narcissist who has waged a 3 year war of revenge against Gillard has brought the party down to a level that everything they say now is met with incredulous disbelief.


The 2 Labor sycophants Windsor & Oakshott have just announced they will not stand again (like they'd even get close to a win).


We are witness to the total destruction that Rudd has brought down on the Labor party. When will they expel this dangerous psychopath.

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Labor contemplates the unthinkable

Community Member

We can only hope this nutter gets what he deserves.

Message 2 of 26
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Labor contemplates the unthinkable

SF: "The 2 Labor sycophants Windsor & Oakshott have just announced they will not stand again (like they'd even get close to a win)."


I think your myopia is blinding you ( is that possible?) Windsor has been a popular New England electorate member since 2001 and is hardly a "Labor sycophant". As for not getting close to a win, that is nonsense where Windsor was concerned, Joyce had a serious fight on his hands.

Message 3 of 26
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Labor contemplates the unthinkable

Community Member

I'ts moot now, he is going. We won't have to be confronted with the deep  hatreds that has driven him.

Message 4 of 26
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Labor contemplates the unthinkable

despite all the complaints about Julia some won't be happy if she is replaced ...but the man they repeatedly claim she stabbed in the back (that being Kevin Rudd).



How is it that the same people who give him the vilest of titles and mental health issues....deny that he perhaps needed to be replaced (it was after all uncontested at the time..and a Federal Election has been held since then)?


...but then many do that to our PM as well 




Message 5 of 26
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Labor contemplates the unthinkable

fruitcake journo's have a lot to answer for 

Message 6 of 26
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Labor contemplates the unthinkable

Community Member

It's on, they are really going to put this nutter back in charge of our country!?:|


The man that destroyed our border protection?


Everything that Labor politicians have said in the last few weeks all shown as lies & deceit.

Shorten shown as a liar of the highest order will see his career destroyed if he supports Rudd.


We are seeing Labor lie bare faced even now as I type, still sticking to the script, spewing out lies.X-(

Message 7 of 26
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Labor contemplates the unthinkable

Community Member

despite all the complaints about Julia some won't be happy if she is replaced ...but the man they repeatedly claim she stabbed in the back (that being Kevin Rudd).



How is it that the same people who give him the vilest of titles and mental health issues....deny that he perhaps needed to be replaced (it was after all uncontested at the time..and a Federal Election has been held since then)?


...but then many do that to our PM as well 




:^O:^O:^O:^O if I could work out what yuu are trying to say maybe I could stop laughing.

Message 8 of 26
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Labor contemplates the unthinkable

IMO it's thanks to the likes of shock jocks,jounos like bolt and their rapid supporters/promoters that this is being considered .

they built it...if it comes ..they shouldn't complain 

Message 9 of 26
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Labor contemplates the unthinkable

I'ts all the medias fault :^O go on thinking that & stick your head in the sand. I am totally gobsmacked all over the place to see the luvvies defending this grimy govt. say's a lot imo


Message 10 of 26
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