Labor fails to convert widespread support for NDIS to ballot box

Community Member

There is nothing that Julia Gillard can do anymore to stop the slide into the political abyss which she & her cohorts have created.


The head spinning fall in her position in the polls see Labor hanging onto 30 seats at the most. No bounce from her bungled handling & spiteful wedging of Abbott on the ndis at all, in fact a drop.


The Greens are languishing around 10% which could see them in a non representative position after the election where they belong.


But know what?? Julia said on the weekend that they'll win the next election! This is her not listening, again.




Excerpt & Link.


In the three weeks since the Gillard government unveiled the full details of its key re-election policies on education reforms and disability care, Labor's primary vote has continued to languish well behind the Coalition's and the Opposition Leader has maintained a clear lead as preferred prime minister.

IN FULL: Federal Newspoll




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Labor fails to convert widespread support for NDIS to ballot box

Community Member

A total kicking yet again at the polls


7 News - National Poll - May 2013 

ReachTEL conducted a five-question survey of 2,856 residents across Australia on the night of 3rd May 2013.

Question 1:

If a Federal election were to be held today, which of the following would receive your first preference vote? If you are undecided to which do you even have a slight leaning?

Labor 29.30% (Labor BELOW 30% and looking at a huge flogging)

Liberal 45.20% HUGE LEAD


Essential Media has the gap widening: Labor 44 to the Coalition 56.  



Gillard proposes, Abbott gets credit


The Coalition’s lift of one point and Labor’s fall of one point were both within the margin of error and the Greens and “others” were unchanged on 10 and 12 per cent respectively. Based on preference flows at the 2010 election, the Coalition has kept a clear election-winning lead with 56 per cent to Labor’s 44 per cent.




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Labor fails to convert widespread support for NDIS to ballot box

meh! history tells me that a change of govt usually occurs after one party has been in for a couple of terms anyway.

Message 3 of 36
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Labor fails to convert widespread support for NDIS to ballot box

D9725: "meh! history tells me that a change of govt usually occurs after one party has been in for a couple of terms anyway."

What history book would that be I wonder?

Since 1917, within federal politics, there have been the following continuous (contiguous) parliamentary terms:

5 term NATS
4 term UAP
9 term Menzies LIB/NP
3 term  LIB/NP
5 term ALP 83-93
4 term Howard
And so far, ALP 2 term

In between the above there have been
1 term ALP
2 term ALP
2 term ALP

There would appear to be a (historical) trend there.

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Labor fails to convert widespread support for NDIS to ballot box

a change of government usually occurs when rupert takes a dislike to one of them. we ought to just dispense with the silly system we have now and be honest. who does rupert want.

because thats who we get..

Message 5 of 36
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Labor fails to convert widespread support for NDIS to ballot box

Community Member

a change of government usually occurs when rupert takes a dislike to one of them. we ought to just dispense with the silly system we have now and be honest. who does rupert want.

because thats who we get..


But of course YOU will not be swayed by Murdoch papers because YOU'RE really clever and astute. It's those damn unwashed OTHERS  reading Murdoch's damned lies, being persuaded  to vote for Abbott instead of the right people.


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Labor fails to convert widespread support for NDIS to ballot box


But of course YOU will not be swayed by Murdoch papers because YOU'RE really clever and astute. It's those damn unwashed OTHERS  reading Murdoch's damned lies, being persuaded  to vote for Abbott instead of the right people.


no, its the Dim swinging voters . i won't be swayed because i don't read toilet paper !. the other point being that this poll was held to soon (deliberately. before people had time to think about it, old trick)


Message 7 of 36
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Labor fails to convert widespread support for NDIS to ballot box

LL why do you blame Murdoch for all the Labors mistakes....ridiculous

Message 8 of 36
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Labor fails to convert widespread support for NDIS to ballot box

LL why do you blame Murdoch for all the Labors mistakes....ridiculous

i dont. i blame him for fooling silly people.. easily manipulated people 🙂

most of the 'mistakes' are beat -ups and outright lies . (with a correction the next day at the bottom of page 46)

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Labor fails to convert widespread support for NDIS to ballot box

murdoch liked hawke. we got hawke. murdoch liked keating we got keating (until he waqnted howard) murdoch liked Rudd , we got Rudd. murdoch doesn't like gillard so we have to have Abbott.

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