Labors porders policy failure creating a montrous problem

Community Member


A chill ran through me at the scenario playing out for all Australians because of Labors failed border protection.


The link articulates perfectly the disaster & the consequences of the massive influx of economic refugees & will cause a restless underclass & racial tensions Australia has avoided in the past.


We are now facing a catastrophe in the range of France & UK, Sweden & Holland. A system of refuges & immigrants that have changed the harmony & workings of nations, changed the face of countries & brought sectarian hatreds & animosities to our shores.


For this failure only Labor will be crucified & the ongoing problems & massive numbers of people who have discarded their papers, id's & passports continue to pour in.


I have noticed the luvvies are delighted with this, gleefully waiting to see what TA does & ready to scream failure.


Any failure on this scale has been Labors doing & will never be known as a Conservative failure.


The ongoing damage that this will do will remind all Australians just how incompetent  the criminal failures of Labor are.

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Labors porders policy failure creating a montrous problem

Oh dear chuckles at the montrous porders

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Labors porders policy failure creating a montrous problem

refuges and immigrants





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Labors porders policy failure creating a montrous problem

Community Member

Polling shows that the border failure alone is what is destroying Labor. They are poison in the Western suburbs of Sydney where they will be wiped out.


This failure of Labor,  to secure the Australian borders, is looked on as the biggest total policy failure of any government in our history.


Not only have they discarded any effort to remediate their mistakes, they have totally washed their hands of it.


This policy failure will lead to a social  underclass which will change Australia & we can never go back.


So laugh it up luvvies, you're all probably too old to care because it won't affect you.

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