Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP.....


....only among those aged 65+ still clearly favour the L-NP (54.5%) cf. ALP (45.5%)

Silly old bug gers


 women:   ALP 58%      well ahead of the L-NP 42% on a two-party preferred basis


men:         ALP 53%     cf. L-NP 47%



 ALP with its strongest advantage with YOUTH:


18-24yrs:      ALP 64%      cf. L-NP (36%)


25-34yrs:      ALP 64.5%    cf. L-NP (35.5%)


35-49yrs:      ALP 60.5%    cf. L-NP (39.5%)


50-64yrs:      ALP 50.5%     cf. L-NP (49.5%)



Message 1 of 43
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Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP.....

I would like to know how they came up with that figure?

How many people were asked the question?

How much money was wasted to conduct the poll?


I wasn't asked and I'm over 65+.


I'm an individual and certainly don't like anyone speaking for me when I wasn't ask the question.


Polls are pure fantasy and only make money for the company doing the poll. It is not a true representation of ALL the people.



Message 11 of 43
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Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP.....

@esseco46 wrote:

I would like to know how they came up with that figure?

How many people were asked the question?

How much money was wasted to conduct the poll?


I wasn't asked and I'm over 65+.


I'm an individual and certainly don't like anyone speaking for me when I wasn't ask the question.


Polls are pure fantasy and only make money for the company doing the poll. It is not a true representation of ALL the people.



The polls are commissioned by political parties, and paid for by the taxpayers.



Message 12 of 43
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Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP.....

@paintsew007 wrote:

I am of the age that when my B'Day's come around I actually forget how old I am:)

Just to satisfy some posters' curiosity I am much younger than I lookSmiley LOL

And I certainly did not vote for LNP.

so give us a look, paints lol.


I don't fit that age bracket either. Yet. 


Woman Very Happy Woman Mad

Message 13 of 43
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Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP.....

I am surprised even the 65+ still prefer LNP. Maybe they haven't realised yet their concessions hiw the changes to indexation will affect them

"change in the indexation of the age pension and other payments including the disability support pension. Pension payments rise roughly in-line with average earnings. From September 2017, the indexing of the age pension and other payments will be indexed to inflation. Over the long term, male wages grow about 1.5 percentage points a year more than inflation. The difference will compound over time and several years after the indexing is changed, the age pension is likely to be paying at least $100 a fortnight less than if the indexing had not changed."

Message 14 of 43
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Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP.....

25 Aug

ALP support fell to 55.5% (down 0.5%) still well ahead of the L-NP 44.5%, (up 0.5%) on a two-party preferred basis. If a Federal Election had been held the ALP would have won easily according to this week’s Morgan Poll on voting intention conducted with an Australia-wide cross-section of 2,691 Australian electors aged 18+ over the last two weekends – August 16/17 & 23/24, 2014.

Morgan Poll
Message 15 of 43
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Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP.....

The LNP is facing major issues on all fronts:

The Federal Budget and finding a way to govern with a hostile Senate.

The Clive Palmer factor – which escalated last week when Palmer labeled the Chinese as “mongrels” and “**bleep**s” and it appears Palmer’s outburst has immediately cost PUP support – now at 4.5% (down 1%), and PUP’s lowest level of support since the new Senate first sat in early July.

International unrest and the possibility that Prime Minister Tony Abbott may need to send troops to the Middle East.

Against this turbulent backdrop the one area Prime Minister Tony Abbott can show leadership and make a real difference to the political turbulence in Australia is fixing Australia’s high level of unemployment and under-employment (2.3 million in July according to the latest Roy Morgan employment estimates).”
Message 16 of 43
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Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP.....

Not looking good for Abbott.



Message 17 of 43
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Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP.....

The polls remain split on the electorate’s view of the federal government, with Newspoll showing the government gaining ground while the Roy Morgan poll shows Labor retains its commanding lead.


The Newspoll, published in The Australian on Tuesday, shows the Coalition continuing to make up ground, with the government on 49 per cent of the two-party preferred vote, up one point from the same poll two weeks ago, compared to Labor on 51 per cent.


In contrast, a Roy Morgan poll showed little movement in its two-party preferred polling in the past fortnight, with Labor remaining well ahead at 54 per cent of the two-party preferred vote.


Between the two polls, the range of the swing against the government is from 4.5 points to 9 per cent since the September election.

Both polls were based on preference flows at the election.


Just a few points the difference.

Message 18 of 43
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Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP.....

@lightningdance wrote:

I'm not old and I don't vote Labor,  so much for that ageist poll eh.

I'm old and I do vote Labor - age is the price I have paid for the gaining of wisdom.

Message 19 of 43
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Latest Poll only 65yrs+ prefer LNP.....

The Newspoll, published in The Australian on Tuesday




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