Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

Just when I had already hit a bit of a doldrum... we've been hit with another 5-day lockdown in Melbourne.


Fellow Melbournians, I hope we can listen to each other, even if what we want to say is "Something is rotten in the state of Melbourne" or "Curses upon this COVID" or merely a wordless whimper.


I hope we can encourage each other if we're ready to be encouraged. (Sometimes a cheerful "Chin up" is salt in the wound, and all one wants to do is snarl "NO! My chin is not going up.")


I also hope we can give some ideas of what we can do during this snap lockdown AKA circuit-breaker, to not be overwhelmed when we've already had a rotten year.


  • I have a new Toro edge trimmer. I'm going to trim the evil grass by the fence and in all of those places beyond the lawnmower's reach, and I'm going to do it while singing "Der Hölle Rache" at the top of my voice.
  • I'm going to bake a sugar-free German cheesecake, cut it up into neighbour-sized portions, and leave the portions in front of neighbours' doors while I scoot off and text them to check their door.
  • I'm going to write more. Nearly there.
  • I'm going to perm my cat's fur. (Not really. He'd not stand for it.)
  • I'm going to buy some Tojiro shears from a Japanese seller.
  • I'm going to set up totem tennis in nearby garden/park and whack the begoodnessgraciousme out it.
  • I'm going to re-read all of the Discworld novels.


It's not a very impressive list, I realise. It's just a start.


Please post with your own suggestions or comments or worries or complaints. I hope to see this thread go a little crazy, or else [in menacing voice] this fly which I've just abducted and am holding hostage is going to get it.



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Lockdown Guide to Not Going Stir-crazy

That's elegant and unusual. I like it.




We have vertical blinds that must go. I'm planning on sewing curtains for each affected window. Since the front of the house is almost all glass, that's a lot of measuring and cutting and sewing.

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