on 23-04-2014 08:12 AM
BILL Shorten was right about one thing yesterday. It wasn’t Tony Abbott who threw the Labor Party into opposition, it was the Australian people.
Problem is, Shorten still hasn’t figured out why.
Delivering what was billed as a historic, reforming speech in Melbourne yesterday the Labor leader declared he was going to rid the party of union domination and open it up to the “grassroots”.
He vowed to transform Labor into a “membership-based party”.
That sounds all noble and democratic but what it means in practice is handing the party over to the lunatic Green Left.
For all his talk about a new moral purpose, Shorten was just drawing from the old well of politically correct poison which has brought his party to its knees.
More affirmative action to increase numbers of women MPs was a clue.
So was the fact Shorten raised “the rancour over the recent Western Australian process (which) shows that in the future we need a method that provides a local voice.”
That “rancour” between Labor running mates Joe Bullock and Louise Pratt in Western Australia over Labor’s abysmal results in the latest re-run Senate election encapsulates Labor’s dilemma.
Bullock, who won Labor’s only Senate seat in WA, is a socially conservative member of the powerful shoppies union, which is headed by the outgoing right-wing faction leader and social conservative Joe De Bruyn.
Pratt, No. 2 on Labor’s Senate ticket, is an openly lesbian gay rights activist and Labor staffer, backed by the left-aligned United Voice union, who has been involved in Labor politics since her student days.
The pair are typical of the Labor Party’s increasingly schizophrenic nature.
Pratt and her union have been attacking Senator Bullock as an old homophobe since it became clear she wasn’t going to win the sixth Senate spot in WA.
Smearing him as a homophobe and bigot is a classic tactic of the dictatorial intolerant Left to shut down someone with opposing views, or someone who simply gets in your way.
Conveniently lost in all of the excitement over Bullock’s supposed homophobia were the killer truths he imparted.
He branded the Labor Party’s membership “mad”, and warned uncoupling from the common sense “ballast” of the unions would leave Labor open to every “every weird lefty trend that you can imagine, and there’d be no party left.’’
That is the inconvenient truth about the past six disastrous years. Labor saddled Australia with two hopeless prime ministers, who left a trail of destruction that will take decades to repair.
On climate policy they were wrong and deluded to try to lead the world. Cosying up to the Greens was a mistake. The only industry they boosted was people-smuggling.
Yet there has been no mea culpa, no soul searching, or apology. Just business as usual, as if making Labor membership a one-click process on the internet will save the party.
Of course the union movement is sick too, but instead of embracing the royal commission into corrupt unions as an opportunity to clean house, Shorten railed against it as a “star chamber”.
The fact is that, in the struggle for the soul of Labor, no one has clean hands.
In the end, the Left is using union corruption scandals for factional advantage to seize power for themselves.
Their beloved “grassroots” is code for GetUp style fringe-dwellers who will ensure the party remains unelectable.
Labor’s WA Senate result last month, the worst in its history, will be the new normal.
Really, if Labor wants to go further down that path, they should recruit Scott Ludlam as leader. At least he knows what he believes in.
on 23-04-2014 09:23 AM - last edited on 23-04-2014 09:40 AM by luna-2304
Labor is run by union heavies and corrupt politicians.
Williamson, the national President now rotting in jail, the man who stood behind Gillard and ushered in.
Sorten the faceless man who pulled the strings behind the scenes and the complete dysfunction of the Rudd govt. that saw a 1st term PM sacked, then Rudd sacked Gillard back.
Are we to believe Bill? that he will break the circle of gold being:
Union membership only if you want to belong to the Labor party and then the rivers of gold will pour in from union fees used to put Labor in power?? no, it will never happen because without the unions Labor will become even more of a fringe party, even more unrepresentative of Australians and a pawn in the hands of the Radical Greens who's main reason for being is to destroy the Labor party so then the Greens will be the only other party to oppose conservatives.
Will the Unions continue pour their rivers of gold into the Labor party or will they break away and form their own party? A great split.
This is a scenario that we will see played out because the Labor party has nowhere to go except even further down than the low 30's it's wallowing in now.
on 23-04-2014 09:32 AM
''Problem is, Shorten still hasn’t figured out why.''
any actual evidence of this ? or just more opinion from a liberal party journalist when they start backing these unfounded claims with hard evidence people apart from rusties may take some of it seriously. otherwise the constant chipping merely turns the public off. people tire of the same broken record on repeat, it may turn opinion the other way if anything.
on 23-04-2014 09:33 AM
on 23-04-2014 09:38 AM
I laugh reading all the hate for the mainstream press, their heads go straight into the sand.
Great article and says it exactly like it is.
on 23-04-2014 09:40 AM
the polls indicate this rubbish is no longer cutting through. people aren't listening .
on 23-04-2014 09:58 AM
The Media is run by one mob who give favourable press in return "payment" for favourable media and ownership laws.
10 years ago the media could not be a monopoly or owned by foreign interests, today it is both and as corrupt as the Goverenment thats allowed this to happen.
on 23-04-2014 10:16 AM
@silverfaun wrote:I laugh reading all the hate for the mainstream press, their heads go straight into the sand.
Great article and says it exactly like it is.
Hate? Where is all this hate?
on 23-04-2014 10:35 AM
@lakeland27 wrote:the polls indicate this rubbish is no longer cutting through. people aren't listening .
The public is being bombarded by the press and forums with doom and gloom. Why would the public continue to "enjoy" put down after put down of anybody of importance in the realm of daily life.
I while back now, the Telegraph had a black background on their front page for days on end. After the 4th day, sales began slipping; my own observation at the time and listening to people, they were sick and tired of the gloom.
I believe that the press should not "harp" about any Party from now till about 6 weeks prior to an election then the people will begin to listen again and form an opinion on which Party to vote.
I am also aware that a "good news" paper went broke. Other people didn't want to hear about others' happy news all the time. They began to feel that their own lives were not as "happy" as others'.
It is all a balancing act.
on 23-04-2014 11:13 AM
"Loons and ratbags to run Labor".....
"to run Labor", we already have Loons and ratbags running the Country, it's called the LNP government.