Man makes Prime Minister Gillard knit him a kangaroo

Community Member

Just how DESPERATE and out of touch  is Gillard




Great, great headline.


But more importantly, the image perfectly illustrates not just that Julia Gillard is obsessed with spin, but is so bad at it that everything screams “fake!”:


 The remarkable image, on sale tomorrow in the latest Australian Women’s Weekly, was not the magazine’s idea. Instead, the concept of a cosy PM knitting a toy kangaroo - while in the company of her cavoodle Reuben - came directly from Ms Gillard’s own staff.


The Prime Minister’s chief press officer John McTernan is credited by the Weekly for coming up with the idea.


After the magazine approached Ms Gillard’s office in April for an interview, Mr McTernan responded that the PM wanted to pose for shots as she knitted a toy kangaroo for the baby of Prince William and expectant wife Catherine.


“It was a no-brainer,” Mr McTernan told the magazine…


Ms Gillard took five hours out of her schedule on May 25 to pose for the photograph at a studio in Alexandria.


Six prime ministerial staffers, including personal stylists and make-up artists, accompanied Ms Gillard to the shoot.


The PM brought several changes of outfit but ended up choosing clothes selected by Women’s Weekly…


“I think I can explain (why I’m doing it),” Ms Gillard tells the Weekly about posing for the photograph. “If there is something I hope that I’ve done for the image of women in public life is that we can go into an adversarial environment like parliament and we can dominate it and make it our own, and we can conquer it.”


Despite being an avowed republican, Gillard said she was happy to knit a royal baby’s gift…


During the actual photographic session, Ms Gillard seemed to have second thoughts. As she took her place in the armchair and took up the knitting needles, the Prime Minister told staffers: “This feels slightly absurd.”


Slightly absurd?


  • She’s a republican knitting a present for the baby of the monarch’s grandson

  • She’s a Prime Minister who has spent five hours of her day- with six staff in attendance - simply to pose with knitting needles. 

  • She is a modern feminist posing with the tools of a domestic lifestyle of a pre-feminist era.

  • She uses stylists to pose is a dress that classes violently with the chair. 

  • She is showing she is her own woman by adopting a PR stunt dreamed up by her male PR adviser. 

  • She is giving encouragement to young female politicians by plying a hobby now synonymous with mad old aunts/ 

  • She is showing her authenticity by pretending to knit for five yours in a photographer’s studio.



I thought the “blue tie” speech marked the nadir of her spin. Now it’s knitting the bush kangaroo.  


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Man makes Prime Minister Gillard knit him a kangaroo


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Man makes Prime Minister Gillard knit him a kangaroo

Hasn't this so called writer, the source of the cut and paste, heard that men knit too?

What a stupid article about nothing, yet again.

Do these Telegraph reporters know the meaning of news?

Have they never heard of policy?

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Man makes Prime Minister Gillard knit him a kangaroo

What a larf!!   Talk about internationally embarrassing!

Message 4 of 51
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Man makes Prime Minister Gillard knit him a kangaroo

What a larf!!   Talk about internationally embarrassing!


Yep, you got that right Andrew Bolt is an International embarrassment.

Message 5 of 51
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Man makes Prime Minister Gillard knit him a kangaroo


Yep, you got that right Andrew Bolt is an International embarrassment.



Agree 100%.

Message 6 of 51
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Man makes Prime Minister Gillard knit him a kangaroo

The reporter needs to do a bit of research re knitting.


A two minute google search would have shown him that far from being "a hobby now synonymous with mad old aunts/ "...knitting has had a resurgence all over the world.



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Man makes Prime Minister Gillard knit him a kangaroo

Yes both men and women knit and it was a man thing to do in the early days of knitting. Knitting has made a come back with the younger generation taking it up.


Apparently Ms Gillard was not happy about this photo shoot and said as much....but why did she agree to it then?



Message 8 of 51
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Man makes Prime Minister Gillard knit him a kangaroo

Love the dog :-D.

 photo 214a93fa3a9e326200857a2dbc30e730_zps379416e4.jpg
Message 9 of 51
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Man makes Prime Minister Gillard knit him a kangaroo

someone should knit bolt a facemask and a muzzle (oh and a rope)

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