Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

@4channel wrote:

I have no problems with people wearing masks if they want to. I should have been more clear there. I don't believe that it should be mandatory.  That being said, I follow the law and encourage others to be obedient as well. You don't have to like something to obey it. And self-censoring is not a good thing.

Do you believe people should be abe to choose whether or not to wear seat belts or obey speed limits?

Message 131 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

@4channel wrote:

I have no problems with people wearing masks if they want to. I should have been more clear there. I don't believe that it should be mandatory. 


Which would make you one of the people who don't care how many they may infect or kill because they are to stupid and ignorant to wear a mask so as to STOP the transmission of a virus that can kill.


Making it mandatory is to try and save lives so NO they shouldn't have a choice unless they have a medical certificate to state a reason why they can't.


That being said, I follow the law and encourage others to be obedient as well. You don't have to like something to obey it. And self-censoring is not a good thing.

Which is what it should be as Covid 19 is a a serious and deadly disease that can only be slowed if people do the right thing to help and stop the spread of the virus.



Message 132 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

* * *

@4channel wrote:

I have no problems with people wearing masks if they want to. I should have been more clear there. I don't believe that it should be mandatory.  That being said, I follow the law and encourage others to be obedient as well. You don't have to like something to obey it. And self-censoring is not a good thing.

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:


Do you believe people should be abe to choose whether or not to wear seat belts or obey speed limits?

Different scenarios and I do obviously as you would too, believe that people should follow the laws for the road.


My personal belief is that it should be a choice to wear a mask or not. (And why wasn't there an exixting one for people to wear masks for the flu. This is one that kills many?). But my belief aside, I follow the law and encourage others to do so because the law should be respected as we need stability.

Message 133 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

So your doubled-down personal belief is that health experts really don't know what they're talking about.


Not surprising given your evinced attitudes, but hardly likely to give you credibility outside your target demographic.

Message 134 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

Dear davewil1964., I have asked you before that if you have a problem with me that you'e more than welcome to contact me via PM and we can discuss things man to man. I would like to again extend that invitation to you. I can guarantee a civil discussion and I do hope for a positive outcome.


Kind regards 4channel

Message 135 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

I don't need to contact you privately.


Your 'unconventional' attitudes are in print for all to see.


What I posted was a digest of your many posts on these matters. An accurate summation, I believe.


I notice that YOU haven't seen fit to try to open a PM dialogue. Which is probably a good thing, as you wouldn't get an answer. But it does show that you think criticism is a one-way street.

Message 136 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

@4channel wrote:

* * *

@4channel wrote:

I have no problems with people wearing masks if they want to. I should have been more clear there. I don't believe that it should be mandatory.  That being said, I follow the law and encourage others to be obedient as well. You don't have to like something to obey it. And self-censoring is not a good thing.

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:


Do you believe people should be abe to choose whether or not to wear seat belts or obey speed limits?

Different scenarios and I do obviously as you would too, believe that people should follow the laws for the road.


My personal belief is that it should be a choice to wear a mask or not. (And why wasn't there an exixting one for people to wear masks for the flu. This is one that kills many?). But my belief aside, I follow the law and encourage others to do so because the law should be respected as we need stability.

The wearing of face  masks and the wearing of seat belts are actually very similar scenarios. In fact the stronger case could be made out for mandating face masks.


Wearing your seat belt won't lessen your chances of being in a crash - it it will only lessen your individual risk of serious injury should one occur. it also won't lessen that risk for anyone else involved in the same crash.


Wearing a face mask during a pandemic not only lessens your individual  risk of catching the disease, it also lessens that risk anyone with whom you come into contact. 


With regard to the flu - there is a vacine available and if everyone got it, there would be no deaths and  no need for face masks. Maybe you should be asking why that vacine is not madatory.


Message 137 of 138
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Melbourne Cop chocking and manhandling a girl and arresting her for not wearing a Mask

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:


Wearing a face mask during a pandemic not only lessens your individual  risk of catching the disease, it also lessens that risk anyone with whom you come into contact. 


With regard to the flu - there is a vacine available and if everyone got it, there would be no deaths and  no need for face masks. Maybe you should be asking why that vacine is not madatory.


Yes, but how much does wearing a face mask lessen the risk? Nurses and Doctors are being infected in droves. They have the best equipment and know how to use them correctly, yet their infection control system is not working. And there is increasing evidence that Covid-19 can be contracted through the eyes. When was the last time we saw people outside wearing masks and goggles?


The flu vaccine will only provide some protection against the strains covered in the vaccine. People contracting strains of the flu not covered can be in serious trouble. While usually a mild illness, some people who catch the common cold (no vaccine) are still falling very ill and in many cases are dying.


IMO it is smart to be as protected as we can be. But unfortunately there are no guarantees.

Message 138 of 138
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