on โ25-02-2014 12:56 AM
Let;s see how we go.
on โ25-02-2014 12:22 PM
on โ25-02-2014 12:30 PM
My concern would be that a group could choose to exclude someone who might actually benefit from inclusion.
on โ25-02-2014 12:36 PM
@chuk_77 wrote:groups are not always the best thing. How would people feel being denied access? What if people let their guard down and things ended up on CS? What if you let the wrong people in?
Just things to consider in a group
Also lifeline is not always the best thing. Trust me
I agree with every thing you have said chuk, groups only give a sence of saftey and many things said in groups have been made public causing much harm.
People need to remember not to say things that will come back and cause them issues at a latter date.
As for groups I personally are over them.
on โ25-02-2014 12:57 PM
Here I am. Where to start?
I have suffered from severe anxiety, as well as disassociation and depression, since I was a small child . My parents only wanted two children. I was the third and was raised being told how they had tried to abort me. It was an angry and violent household and my parents taught me how not to parent. I was incredibly shy and sensitive. I would cry and not realise that I was crying until I was being laughed at . I was afraid of everything. I would sit on my bed and tune out completely. There was safety in nothingness. My parents did not provide a safe environment for their children and because of that all of their children suffered and none of us thrived. That was the beginning.[My parents are both dead. There was genuine love shown to me by both when they were dying and my Dad became my best friend, my rock and my soul mate.]
Diagnosed at 17 with being on the verge of a nervous breakdown and prescribed pills. I took most of them in one go, changed my mind about dying, told my mum what I had done and gave her the rest of the pills. She gave them back to me in the morning. I threw the pills in the bin and went to my Dad [parents were seperated by then] who told me that it was important for me to be happy and healthy.
I ended up in a toxic relationship which produced two beautiful children. I continued to struggle through life, wearing the mask of "normality", played the role that had been given to me. Eventually, something had to give and became suicidal. Depression hit and hit hard but I was reluctant to go on meds. The dr suggested an alternative with the proviso that if I don't improve within two weeks that I was to consider trying meds. I was back two days later and then began the search for the right medication for me.
I have always been open about my mental illness. I discovered that when I said that I had been diagnosed with Major Depression so many people came forward and said that they had depression too, and for the first time they didn't have to it to keep it a secret. That was nearly twenty years ago when the stigma surrounding mental illness was more prevalent than it is now.
I saw a psycho therapist who used hypnosis as part of the treatment. The first time that I went under was the first time that I had ever experienced a sense of peace ; respite from my brain that never shut up. She was brilliant and it is because of her that I am still here.
I had begun to see a psychiatrist to get my meds and diagnosis sorted out. He diagnosed me with Major Depression, Generalised Anxiety Disorder, mild Social Phobia and Disassociation all of which had manifested in childhood. All that from a shrink who despised labels. He almost cost me my life.
After a failed suicide attempt, I ended up in a psych hospital which helped me so much. It was a dark, dark time, probably my darkest. All masks were gone, who I was was gone, I was broken, I was lost. Over the next few weeks, I slowly improved and had myself discharged sooner than I should have because one of my cats needed to be PTS. A couple of months later and I was back in a Psych hospital due to self harm. I couldn't wait to be out of there and I believe that they did me more harm than good.
Knowing that who I had thought I was, was only a cluster of symptoms left me feeling scared and alone. Coming to terms with that was difficult. I started seeing a different shrink and she has made all the difference. Over the space of a few years, her and I had noticed patterns which led to a diagnosis of Bipolar 2, GAD, as well as agoraphobia and social phobia.Finally, after decades of trial and error, the right combination of meds were finally found. The dose may vary from time to time but the meds remain the same. I hate the side effects but the alternative is much worse.
Every moment of every day I must monitor my moods to make sure that they stay within a healthy range. Even though I love the hypomania the flipside is horrid. With Bipolar 2, depression tends to be swift and severe. I've become adept at recognising the signs and am aware of what particular circumstances might lead to. Th econstant self monitoring is exhausting but it is becoming second nature to me. I also know, that no matter what I feel it will pass and it is a matter of staying safe until it does pass.
The anxiety is what causes me the most anguish now. I have learnt what my limitations are and that it is important to work within those and only push when I feel safe enough to do so.
Well that's the condensed version of me. lol.
on โ25-02-2014 01:08 PM
on โ25-02-2014 01:10 PM
I started this thread because I feel that there is a need for it. I was reluctant to do so initially due to many reasons. Also, more than two people asked me start a thread and because I believe strongly that mental illness needs to be discussed, One thing that I have learnt is that nothing is certain. This thread may last , it may not. Time will tell. Hopefully it will raise awareness and give a sense of support to those who need it. By all means start a private group. As pointed out, this is a public forum and nothing is private. Nothing is private when it comes to the internet. Only post information that you wouldn't mind your worst enemy to know about.
As this is a sensitive subject so please bear that in mind, also.
on โ25-02-2014 01:33 PM
Do you mean with the psychiatrist? We discuss what has been happening in my life between sessions and how I reacted. I am questioned as to how or what I could do if the same thing happens again. Most of the time, I have the answers, sometimes I don't. Its mostly about putting strategies in place that will hopefully kick in when needed. I get away with absolutely nothing and am held reponsible for when I stuff up. lol. A lot of it is about reminding myself of what I already know. its as if my brain is made up of compartments which hold individual pices of information that I need but when my brain gets a chance to misbehave, it slams thedoors to those compartments shut, triple deadlocks it and chains it just to be extra sure. So the info that I need is not available.
The anxiety that I get is crippling and because anything and everything can make me anxious it can be hard to control. There are certain things that I know will defintely trigger it so I avoid those circumstances as much as possible. Otherwise, I never know what will trigger it off. It is usually the thought that is the problem so if I am able to remove th epower from the thought, I am okay, but my brain is such that it will simply make something else take its place.
The spontaneous I am, the less anxiety I experience but those moments are fleeting and unsustainable. I have learnt that when anxiety strikes to question myself as to what I am anxious about, what the worse case scenario could be and how likely is that to happen. When I can. Fortunately, Mr Bluecat will ask what I am anxious about and I get to talk it through. This doesn't make the anxiety stop but it does help me to process it.
on โ25-02-2014 01:34 PM
on โ25-02-2014 01:42 PM
on โ25-02-2014 02:00 PM
No, no drugs were involved, darki. It was more a case of jumping off stairs and tables etc. My Dad and I did so much learning over those few years and through him, I ended up with a sense of belonging and where I came from. He needed to describe his childhood so that I would understand why mine was as it was. He said that he had been unable to climb over his fences to gently walk through mine.
He was a funny bugger. Darki do you remember the time when he sai dthat if his funeral was too maudlin that he was going to get up and leave? LOL. I miss him.
PH, I cut, too. Not as often now, but when I do I certainly do it well. My Mum never got over the death of my brother either. He died at the age of 24 from a drug overdose. He wa sthe youngest child and the only son and was doomed from the start. I miss him, too.