on โ02-02-2013 10:11 PM
Can you imagine the scenes? :^O , I had a giggle at the pig on the roof.... because we used to have a piggery and I know how stubborn and set in their ways pigs are, how hard will it be to get it down? lol
I am really pleased for the farmers and what a great neighbour they have.
Spirit of Australia all alive and well.
Miraculous survival of 500 pigs that were washed down Burnett River in Mundubbera flood
FARMERS devastated by the Mundubbera flood have told of a miracle amid the destruction after 500 pigs survived being washed down the river.
Staying alive for up to almost a week on their own, pigs thought to be dead - after the Burnett River savaged farms and homes - have had piglets in toilet blocks and in neighbouring properties.
They've been saved from trees in the river and one yesterday remained on the roof of the piggery after water levels dropped.
"It's a miracle," Sally Wells, 67, said after she and husband Rob lost 2200 pigs worth $400,000. "They are miracle babies."
Within hours of the flood, their pigs were being seen alive floating down the river - one on a bail of hay - and on the banks of the river.
on โ02-02-2013 10:13 PM
๐ฎ Amazing
on โ02-02-2013 10:18 PM
I'd rather have 500 pigs on the loose than 15,000 crocs as happened recently in Africa lol
on โ02-02-2013 10:23 PM
Don't go to Rockhampton then :^O
CROCODILES have been spotted swimming through the streets of Rockhampton as floodwaters continue to rise in the Queensland beef capital.
Streets in some low-lying areas of the city are now buried beneath more than a metre of water, with many residents using boats as the main mode of transport.
However, humans aren't the only ones travelling through the flooded streets.
Police were this morning alerted to a crocodile sighting at Stack Street in North Rockhampton, while another was reported in the Depot Hill area on Friday.
Police issued a warning for residents not to wade through waist-deep floodwaters, particularly with the chance of crocodiles in the area.
Crocodiles have been known to inhabit the Fitzroy River and smaller tributaries in the Rockhampton area.
on โ03-02-2013 05:42 AM
I would rather have the pigs on the loose than suffering the cruelty of sow stalls and factory farming.
on โ03-02-2013 08:38 AM
I would rather have the pigs on the loose than suffering the cruelty of sow stalls and factory farming.
True, c-gem, so would I.
It looks like these weren't stalls though, otherwise they wouldn't got free. Just geussing here though, I didn't click the link.
on โ03-02-2013 09:10 AM
You are correct icy, not stalls. It is not an intensive piggery just a small farm operation.
on โ03-02-2013 09:19 AM
Good pig
on โ03-02-2013 10:00 AM
It's nice to hear a good story come out of the floods. I can only guess at the loss of livestock, pets and native animals. If it's not floods, it's fire
funny pic of the pig on the roof :^O
on โ03-02-2013 10:47 AM
True, c-gem, so would I.
It looks like these weren't stalls though, otherwise they wouldn't got free. Just geussing here though, I didn't click the link.
Unfortunately, Icy, one of the pics is a sow in a stall. :_|