on 26-06-2013 10:06 PM
May I suggest that there be a moratorium on discussions of the now ex Prime Minister.
Endless post mortems on her performance will serve no purpose now, by her own rules of engagement she has said that she will leave politics at the next election and between then and now. Disection of what led to this moment has no more rearing on future events.
So I say let her be and be forgotten.
on 26-06-2013 10:24 PM
forget it. people will say what they want.
on 26-06-2013 10:26 PM
As you all may have gathered, I am not a supporter but I find it distasteful to see the knife getting twisted, its inhumane. she lived by the sword and has met her end by the same method.
So just let Her be
on 26-06-2013 10:27 PM
pull the other one. it plays 'night in tunisia'
on 26-06-2013 10:30 PM
So I say let her be and be forgotten.
after saying this morning we can say what we want when we want.
Yeah Right!
You suffer from a God complex more than Rudd!
on 26-06-2013 10:31 PM
or rather 'a night in tunisia'
on 26-06-2013 10:34 PM
A noble sentiment POD, however there are a few machinations/protocols to be concluded over the next few days, which will probably elicit some comments.
on 26-06-2013 10:35 PM
So sorry to see you being unable to recognise a request, but that ability may come to you as you mature 🙂
on 26-06-2013 10:37 PM
John I am aware of the formalities but dancing on someone's grave is not one of them
on 26-06-2013 11:38 PM
If she needs counselling I hope she with pay for it not taxpayers.
I've dedicated " Another One Bites The Dust " by Queen to her. How uncaring of me.....