My cats and the dog any ideas?

Ok I am fostering a cat who has foul smelling stools and range from runny to semi solid, now two of my other cats have got the most revolting flatulence and two dogs are off color although not visibly sick.  Of course I will be ringing the vet on Monday or sooner if things get worse,


At first I wondered if the cat had brought Giardia into the house but the dogs symptoms don't resemble that.  The cats don't appear sick at all.  I checked with the shelter and they are saying maybe its a change of diet but that doesn't explain the dogs or other cats.  Any ideas?

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My cats and the dog any ideas?

Ok still trying to work this out, could it be stress related with all the other animals in the house.

Message 2 of 11
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My cats and the dog any ideas?

I think the symptoms are too vague for  an amateur here to diagnose. 

The cats may not appear sick but their stools are a strong indication of 

something not quite right. 

Is it possible that the dogs eat the cats' stools?  That could infect them if there is 

something infectious there.  

If nothing drastic happens (like vomiting and bad diarrhoes)  then I'd say leave it until Monday then have a chat

with your vet.  It just may be something a bit toxic that needs to pass

through their system.  Good luck, always a worry, isn't it.  

Message 3 of 11
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My cats and the dog any ideas?

Sorry, I really don't know what to suggest with it being cross-species.  I am sure there's nothing wrong with your hygiene, so I think it is one for the vet to puzzle over, tests are probably necessary.

Message 4 of 11
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My cats and the dog any ideas?

What do you feed them?

Message 5 of 11
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My cats and the dog any ideas?

I've isolated one of the cats (the foster cat), another is pooping outside of its box so I think its stress related. Atm the symptoms are no different.  The dog does not go where the litter boxes are kept, it could be a coincidence maybe?


I'll feed chicken and rice to the cats over the next 24 hours but if it is stress sadly the cat will have to go back to the recuse group as I don't think my 8 yo girl will calm down otherwise.

Message 6 of 11
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My cats and the dog any ideas?

That should be 8 yo girl cat lol!   Crystal atm I'm feeding whiskas to the cat same food as the pound fed her.  The dog has mince, rice and veg atm.  He may just be under the weather or gotten into something he shouldn't but I won't know for sure for a day or two, watching them all like a hawk.

Message 7 of 11
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My cats and the dog any ideas?

Bella I changed my cats from whiskas to a quality cat food and omg the difference in the poo is amazing and their condition too.  I've got them on advance.


This is yuck but I know when my dogs have eaten cat poo, they either vom or do horrible poo,

Message 8 of 11
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My cats and the dog any ideas?

Thanks Crystal, I have considered changing food.  But this problem I believe is due to the cat being sick, I've got her on chicken and rice, goes straight through her my other cat is continually pooing in my bedroom. 


I'm going to reassess it tomorrow and see if there is improvement.  But its not looking good, to me there is clearly something wrong.  I think she will have to go back to the rescue group and they can monitor her if they don't want me to take her to the vet.


It's unfair on my other cats and i don't think I will foster again. The dog can't get near the cat poo they are inside cats and the cat litter is in the laundry.  He probably found something else nice and revolting to eat though lol!!!!

Message 9 of 11
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My cats and the dog any ideas?

Aren't they a constant worry, I hope it all words out for them, naughty guys worrying you.

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