My day

After several hours during the week clearing and cleaning up a messy garden my day started like this before and after 002.JPG

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My day

no 2side garden bed 004.JPG

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My day

side garden bed 004.JPG

Message 152 of 6,720
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My day

My days this week have been spent chauffeuring the kids holidays. Stupidly I sent the kids to a school about 20 minutes from home which has resulted in all their friends living up to an hour away. Tuesday I had to pick up one in near hurricane conditions and the trip that should have been about an hour return took closer to 2 hours with all the detours and changes of direction I had to make for fallen trees and power lines. Yesterday had to drop daughter at furthest away friend, 2.5 hours i had to pick her up ๐Ÿ˜•


Tomorrow more of the same, drop one at a friends house and drop the other at a shopping centre. My dilemma now is do I go home from the shopping centre or wander around and wait? Sometimes I think I should have stayed in suburbia.


Congrats twinks โ™ฅ



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Message 153 of 6,720
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My day

Oh punchy I sympathize with you. I would stay at the shopping centrego for a wander and have a nice snack.

Message 154 of 6,720
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My day

I've had a few "lounging" days with the spritz of perfume.


Received the gas bill.  Smiley Mad   Almost "lounged" to the floor in shock.


Stove top and HWS only ever used.


 HWS Thermostat is now turned "down" for the summer period.



Message 155 of 6,720
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My day

@freddie*rooster wrote:

Oh punchy I sympathize with you. I would stay at the shopping centrego for a wander and have a nice snack.

Thanks freddie, I'm thinking that myself but they are seeing a movie and then will want to hang out a bit, could be a long day lol. Its about an hour and a half extra driving if I go home.

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Message 156 of 6,720
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My day

Punch, we were the same. I always seemed to be driving someone somewhere. And what's more I ended up driving other kids to and from school, one of my son's friends used to get picked up from our pace after his mother finished work. It was a hectic time, but that's all over for me now

Twinks, Wow! What a day you've had & congratulations !
Message 157 of 6,720
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My day

Very productive day here, gate is on the veggie patch, all the veggie seedlings are planted, little hot house it up, only the shade house to finish and it's all done 

Message 158 of 6,720
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My day

Well done bushy we have the pebbles coming tomorrow, so up and at it early in the morning. The black handles are on the kitchen cupboard doors and drawers, you wouldn't think they would make much difference but they do.

Message 159 of 6,720
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My day

 Wow Freddie, you are really powering ๐Ÿ™‚ The pebbles will look great in the garden, what are you thinking of planting there? Doing up your very own place quite rewarding and you get to have what YOU like as well.

Message 160 of 6,720
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