My day

After several hours during the week clearing and cleaning up a messy garden my day started like this before and after 002.JPG

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My day

Funny how all our dads used the Yates Garden Guide Am3.


That jacaranda tree is beautiful.  We used to have one when we in our house - stunning colour and good shade.


I have done all I wanted to the top 2 cakes - icing on, templates made and the scalloped pattern done while the icing was soft.  Poked the supports into the 2nd tier also while the icing is soft.  Tomorrow I will add the ribbon and do some piping.  Of course, I have the same to do at the end of the week when I get the large mud cake for the bottom tier but at least I am 3/4 way there.


Trifle is made for tonight and the anniversary & birthday card made.  (Actually I only needed to make the anniversary card as I have plenty of birthday ones made.)


Now to have a shower and get ready for the bbq.

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Message 2621 of 6,720
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My day

Hi am*3.  It's strange how plants act in different situations or even in seemably the same place.  I have 1 pair of kangaroo paw within a metre of each other and are quite different in their looks.  Both are flowering but one is stunted looking compared to the other long stemmed one.


Then there's the 12 lavendar plants that I planted about 8 weeks ago that have decided to grow at quite independent rates.


I noted the flowering of the jacarandas has been spectacular this year,  one near my abode has a companion illawarra flame tree trying to outdo the splendour.  And a particular one nearby has a wonderful carpet of mauve on the lawn below.


The big peppermint gum tree here is shedding its curling bark and making a mess along with its leaves.  Those pesky wonga pigeons are fattening up on palm seeds and making a mess too whilst roosting in the same tree.


Yesterday's weather evaporated nearly 2" water from the various ponds/bird baths here.  And more heat tomorrow?


Yates and other gardening magazines and the volumes of Women's Weekly and Margaret Fulton cook books on bookshelves in Aussie homes.  Renowned for it, we were. 


Sandy, have a good evening in the outdoor kitchen with the family and everyone else have a good evening too.   I'm off for a Pimm's No. 1.


Catch ya later.









Message 2622 of 6,720
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My day

I have three Jacarandas Am.  They are quite common in WA and are used as street trees in some suburbs.


They are beautiful but quite messy and their little leaves tend to clog the pool pump up but I love them.

Message 2623 of 6,720
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My day

Good Evening all ... xx


Lots of interesting things going on here I can see;    all those beautiful gardens and trees, love the jacaranda, it's spectacular.


Freddie, Mr. Freddie is so lucky to have you to keep an eye on him.  Men can be so naughty when it comes to telling the doctor about everything can't they, grrr!!


Have a good weekend everyone, thinking of you as we continue our all out battle with the curtains, and it's not over yet, but we'll win .... *guffaw*


Message 2624 of 6,720
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My day

Well done Sandy re your cake/s, hope you have a lovely time atm family BBQ tonight ๐Ÿ™‚


Waves to DEB and hope she has enjoyed her day ๐Ÿ™‚  I also have a WW c/book and Yates gardening guide but not an old one. I still use the WW recipe for cooking corned beef.


Busy day here, Mr B spotted a dbl concrete laundry tub being given away on FB, it is now sitting up in the top yard, filled with soil, hay and potatoes. I managed to PU a cpl of plant stands at garage sale, one for the front verandad, the other will find it's way to the shadehouse. I also stumbled across a lge green depression glass measuring jug, I have a smaller one here that belonged to my mum so they are now both sitting on the kitchen dresser adding to the country look I am "trying" to achieve.  Our friends popped in to drop off some eggs and PU a pot of bulbs and some African daises, I had dug up from where the new pumpkin patch is going. 



Waves to Tas and Jonno, who must have snuck in while I was typing ๐Ÿ™‚  Has a vision of Tas surrounded by metres and metres of lace curtains lol





Message 2625 of 6,720
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My day

DEB - I noted the flowering of the jacarandas has been spectacular this year,  one near my abode has a companion illawarra flame tree trying to outdo the splendour.  And a particular one nearby has a wonderful carpet of mauve on the lawn below.


I have lived in the Illawarra for 13 years and haven't really noticed the flame trees until this week. I didn't know what they were called until you posted that either. I have noticed a lot of them this week when I have been out and about to different areas.

Message 2626 of 6,720
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My day

Flowering trees are beautiful. Wattles are in flower here along the river.


my future day: a photo exhibition. A classical music concert. Dinner out. Possible live bands if I haven't faded ๐Ÿ™‚


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 2627 of 6,720
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My day

Wow, a day of culture Amber - enjoy!


Good morning everyone.  Didn't get to the bbq but I sent Frank.  Yesterday afternoon I was suffering asthma from the humidity, had a go on the nebuliser and still felt breathless if I moved around .... so I sat and sent Frank so I didn't have to worry about dinner.  (He would have got it if he didn't go.) Breathing OK so far this morning but have a thumping headache - probably from the drugs last night.  All I'm doing today is sitting and doing some piping in the air conditioning so I'll be fine.


We have flowers on our zucchins so shouldn't be long before we pick them - they grow so quick,  One day they're 6 inches long - the next day 12.  I like to pick them while they're small.  I mainly make zucchini slice but I have a handy frittata recipe with them in that I often make for our craft day lunches.


Coffee time ... hope you all have a great day ....



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Message 2628 of 6,720
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My day

Take good care of yourself Sandy.  How about letting Frank do the cakeSmiley LOL


I'll be back later when the writing cap is on.



Message 2629 of 6,720
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My day

Sorry you are not feeling well Sandy ๐Ÿ˜ž Hope your headache passes quickly, so you can enjoy your day


The house was still quite warm last night, so we sat outside enjoying the cool breeze, "entertaining" the hounds and planning today's project which is to erect lengths of lattice right along the back of the rose garden to stop the hounds from taking a "short cut" across it.  





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