'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

Well why not? lol




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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

Asked if the public would accept Ms Ley's explanation or if she should detail which stakeholders she met on the trip, Mr Joyce said those questions were for the minister. 




She went up to meet with stakeholders of the scheme, the announcement could have been made anywhere.  The question is did she meet up with the stakeholdeers?

Message 11 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

I saw a report where she charted a private jet, which cost the tax payer 12 grand, why? 'cause the flights we "peasants" have to use, didnt fit in with her busy schedule, poor baby 😞


She was my local member when I lived in Albury, didnt like her then, like her even less now ( if thats possible )   Mind you, the the one we have for this electorate isnt much better but then he also didnt get my vote and never will.



Message 12 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

She got a private jet for that?  You're kidding right, tell me you are.

Message 13 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

Sadly, it's true Brighton   .... must be related to Bronny lol



Message 14 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

@bright.ton42 wrote:

Asked if the public would accept Ms Ley's explanation or if she should detail which stakeholders she met on the trip, Mr Joyce said those questions were for the minister. 




She went up to meet with stakeholders of the scheme, the announcement could have been made anywhere.  The question is did she meet up with the stakeholdeers?

when i was in foodland i picked up a piece of rump steak, but i couldnt aford to buy it so i put it back.


i was a steakholder for a short time, didnt meet any pollies Cat Sad

Message 15 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

Could have been worse


Could have been veal 

Message 16 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property



i like the thing halfway down that shows what our pollies are spending out of our money, barnabys office must be huge and pretty.

Message 17 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

Ms Ley's husband accompanied her on the trip. She claimed the standard $370 politicians' travel allowance, while her husband travelled under family travel expense rules, bringing the cost to more than $3900.


This is the other rort that needs to be stopped,(she is elected and he's not so why is he allowed to travel at the


tax payers expense).


Why did he travel with her,(if it was only to sign for the apartment then it violated the travel expense rules).

Message 18 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

he was her steak carrier

Message 19 of 144
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'N While I'm There, I'll just nip Out and Buy A Property

I believe it could happen that someone makes an unexpected purchase. I've had a friend do that (though not for such an expensive property.)


I think though that politicians need to get it into their heads though that they can't afford to multi task. Not if taxpayers are funding their travel.

If her husband had fully paid for his own trip and then done some private property searching, fine.


But if they had thoughts of buying something when they were on a taxpayer funded jaunt, they should have come home and then one of them could have gone back in their own time.


Politicians need to get smarter. Either don't claim the travel allowances & accommodation or else don't do private business while on work trips.



Message 20 of 144
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