Naughty bird

I placed my bird (in his cage) on the front verandah while tidying up.  After about 1/2 hour I glance out the door to see my bird waddling around on the floor of the verandah 😮  Not only that my dog who likes to eat birds was wandering around on the verandah.


Thankfully I was able to catch him and get him back in his cage.  Little booger brain is now in the house with pegs all over the cage.


I need a bex and lay down :^O

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Naughty bird

I don't post here very often but I can't resist a bird thread.

I have a wonderful parrot - a white-bellied caique - who is the best bird in the world! Although she can fly, she never flies away. I take her on walks with me, take her to the beach, and pretty much everywhere I go. She just parks herself on my shoulder and won't fly away. Here she is on the beach:





I also had a great lovebird named Lily'N Mozart. She is now deceased, but she was loads of fun. Here's a video of my ex-girlfriend (still close friend) playing with her. The ex gets bit:



What an absolutely beautiful bird.


I only had a little budgie named CHEEKI but she was a treasure... I loved her.

Message 21 of 30
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Naughty bird

What a beautiful parrot.  It's great when they don't need to be caged.  We were on our way to the Gold Coast and stopped at Macca's in Warwick and a bloke had his parrot.  He took him everywhere.  Here he is playing with a straw.




How gorgeous is that 🙂

Message 22 of 30
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Naughty bird

I'm sorry. I don't mean to dominate this thread. But I love my bird so much that I just have to share a few more pics.












Okay. Barring any questions or comments from other posters, I'll shut up now 🙂





Who can blame you.... lovely pics...gorgeous!  🙂

Message 23 of 30
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Naughty bird



This my cheeky bird.  It was taken almost a year ago, so he was still quite young.  Green is much more vibrant now


Hes cute 🙂

Message 24 of 30
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Naughty bird



This my cheeky bird.  It was taken almost a year ago, so he was still quite young.  Green is much more vibrant now



Beautiful bird! What a sweetheart!

Message 25 of 30
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Naughty bird

Thanks Beanie and gods.


He is ringing his bells ATM.  Anything that makes a noise or he can pull apart he gets really excited.

Message 26 of 30
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Naughty bird

What an absolutely beautiful bird.


I only had a little budgie named CHEEKI but she was a treasure... I loved her.



Thank you! Birds can be such wonderful pets. IMO, they are terribly underrated.




When I sold my African Grey, I was worried that my Caique would be lonely during the day while I'm at work. I was wrong. She was delighted! The bond between me and her was always strong, but after I sold my Grey, it got much stronger! It's not that she disliked the Grey. It's more that she wanted to be my one and only. When I first got the Grey, my Caique was delighted to have a companion, but before long she became jealous of him, in that he got so much of my attention. Now that he is gone, she knows beyond any doubt that she is the apple of my eye, and she returns the favor!  She is an incredible little parrot! She wants to be with me at every moment of the day. She is so loving and affectionate it blows my mind! The woman who previously owned her is almost as delighted as I am at how deep the bond has become. She had many birds - Greys, Macaws, Cockatiels and many other birds, but my little Caique was her favorite. She is so happy to know that she has gone to someone who loves her the way I do!


I've never had a budgie, but I know they can be great pets. Maybe you should get another one?

Message 27 of 30
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Naughty bird

Budgies are great little birds.  I had one (many years ago) that hopped up onto my hand and was starting to talk, but then a rather unfortunate accident happend involving the family dogs.


Whenever I let Sunny out, my dog is either at my parents place or locked outside.  That way I know for sure sunny won't be eaten.  He likes to try and pull the keys off the laptop, when I'm using it and then he'll preen my hair and nibble my ears.



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Naughty bird

I understand about unfortunate accidents. My first bird was a lovebird named Lily'n Mozart. She wasn't my bird at first, but belonged to a close friend (a former girlfriend of mine). This friend had her for about a month and then she needed to go to California for about a month to be there for her son when he was to be honored as a U.S. Marine. During that time, I babysat her lovebird for her. Well, Lily'n and I bonded to such a degree that by the time my friend got back, she realized Lily'n was no longer her bird, but mine. So from that time on, I was her owner. I let her have the run of the place, to the point that she even built a nest in the silverware drawer and laid eggs there (unfertilized of course). I loved that bird. At night, she slept in an empty Coca Cola twelve pack box on my bed. One night I accidentally crushed her. I was so heartbroken I cried like a baby, and I'm not a crier. Prior to that night the last time I had cried was years earlier when my mother died. But when Lily'n died, I totally lost it! To this day I can't stand the thought of that horrible night!

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Naughty bird

It's 12:40 AM where I live. Time to go to bed. Good night my Aussie friends!

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