New Thongs

I wish they didn't take so long to wear in.

I had a blow out in my old ones the other day and the new ones feel like I'm walking with a couple of fence palings strapped to my feet Woman Sad

Message 1 of 36
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New Thongs

lurker, are you sure you wear them on your feet???!


lol Woman Wink





Message 2 of 36
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New Thongs

LOL After I posted that I did think, I hope our American friends know I'm referring to the footwear not the underwear! Woman LOLWoman LOL

Message 3 of 36
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New Thongs

@lurker172602 wrote:

LOL After I posted that I did think, I hope our American friends know I'm referring to the footwear not the underwear! Woman LOLWoman LOL

Woman LOL  oh good! glad you're talking about your feet. I was a bit worried  Woman LOL



I don't wear thongs any more because when I was a kid I wore them constantly, now I have a gap between my big toe and my next toe  Woman Surprised

Message 4 of 36
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New Thongs

I suppose both could make you walk funny Smiley LOL

Message 5 of 36
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New Thongs

I cant wear Jandals/thongs they give me a blister between my toes, I wear the rubber scuff ones but hard to get.


Bought a few pair in Thailand that may last me a year or so

Message 6 of 36
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New Thongs

Lurker-agree it takes time to break in thongs.

Good walking boots are worse.

Have a pair of expensive ones (well $140.00s in a shop).

Got them from a garage sale in the box -unworn for $20.00.

Get blisters after wearing them for half an hour.

I have been hearing to soak the boots in water and put them on for a while

so they take the shape of my feet-might give it a go.


Back on the thongs---------walking along a beach -you will find 2 thongs-

never the same colour ..or the right size........Richo.

Message 7 of 36
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New Thongs

@lionrose.7 wrote:

I cant wear Jandals/thongs they give me a blister between my toes, I wear the rubber scuff ones but hard to get.


Bought a few pair in Thailand that may last me a year or so

It's funny lion.  The moment I walk out of Aucklad airport I start saying jandals and chilly bin and (dare I mention it Smiley Very Happy) luncheon sausage, but back here again and it's straight back to thongs and esky.  I must be bi-lingual Woman LOL

Message 8 of 36
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New Thongs

Re breaking in boots, wear the socks you would normally wear with them, soak the boots in WARM water
Until the leather etc is wet through, put them on and do them up tightly, then walk around in them until
They semi dry on your feet (of just sit in them).
This will mold the boot to your foot shape and will help stop blisters.
Hope that helps.
Message 9 of 36
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New Thongs

@serendipityricho wrote:

Lurker-agree it takes time to break in thongs.

Good walking boots are worse.

Have a pair of expensive ones (well $140.00s in a shop).

Got them from a garage sale in the box -unworn for $20.00.

Get blisters after wearing them for half an hour.

I have been hearing to soak the boots in water and put them on for a while

so they take the shape of my feet-might give it a go.


Back on the thongs---------walking along a beach -you will find 2 thongs-

never the same colour ..or the right size........Richo.

Soldiers used to p ee in their new boots and leave it overnight to soften the leather (water will probably stiffen the leather and make is worse). I swear I'm not making it up. Pharmacy grade foot/heel softening creams are usually 10% - 20% urea and if you need any more convincing, Spike Milligan also mentions it it one of his war memoirs (Hitler - My Part in his Downfall maybe??).


You shouldn't need any more convincing but I'm not walking beside you or behind you on any treks!




Message 10 of 36
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