News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams steps down

News Corp Australia chief executive Kim Williams has resigned his post after less than two years at the helm, the company has announced.



Meanwhile media analysts say they are not surprised by the announcement.


Margaret Simons, director of Melbourne University's centre for advancing journalism, said Mr Williams' job security came into question when News Corp editor Col Allan returned from the US last month.


"When I heard that Col Allan, an old News Corporation man, was returning to Australia in order to, I think the wording was something like 'work with Williams on strengthening news coverage', I didn't think the signs were very good for Kim Williams," she said.


Dr Simons also said the move suggested a cultural shift within Rupert Murdoch's media empire, with traditional newspaper executives taking key roles.


"There was a cultural battle going on within the company and obviously this is one of the outcomes," she said




is that 'Kick this mob out" Col Allan ?

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News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams steps down

well i heard some comments from steven mayne who knows these people probably better than most , and he said Williams would not have been comfortable with the stance of newscorp . the telegraph front pages etc.  he actually enjoyed his job but this was a bit much even for him.

Message 2 of 39
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News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams steps down

I can appreciate that LL .He respects his profession.

Message 3 of 39
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News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams steps down

@izabsmiling wrote:

I can appreciate that LL .He respects his profession.

 well, a tiny bit it seems Smiley Happy

Message 4 of 39
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News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams steps down

a little 

Message 5 of 39
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News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams steps down

@lakeland27 wrote:

@izabsmiling wrote:

I can appreciate that LL .He respects his profession.

 well, a tiny bit it seems Smiley Happy

yes ...the level of that respect is important 

Message 6 of 39
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News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams steps down

I hope the newspapers continue letting the public know of the poor way this country is being run.

If they were on KR's side he would be lapping it up in spade fulls, he is just !@#$% because he doesn't like the critisism and he is a prima donna (hair flick)

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 7 of 39
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News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams steps down

That is the whole problem... newspapers shouldn't be promoting one 'side' only in political reporting.

Message 8 of 39
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News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams steps down

@am*3 wrote:

That is the whole problem... newspapers shouldn't be promoting one 'side' only in political reporting.

You may be right but "that's life" and I guess that's why we live in a democracy, they have their own agends same as Labor but the NLP is fortunate to have them on its side.

Just heard the LP is continuing to advertise to the people smugglers (using our money) not to bring people here which should not be happening when the country is in "care taker mode", one for the LP so even stevens.

KR should spend more time putting his policies forward and not worrying about Rupert Murdoch, he is becoming papranoid Robot Frustrated

Keep it nice, I might cry if you write anything upsetting (like not)
Message 9 of 39
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News Corp Australia CEO Kim Williams steps down

@newstart2380 wrote:

I hope the newspapers continue letting the public know of the poor way this country is being run.

If they were on KR's side he would be lapping it up in spade fulls, he is just !@#$% because he doesn't like the critisism and he is a prima donna (hair flick)




ever thought that perhaps he is trying to get his hair to stay in an unnatural position because perhaps he,like many other men is self conscious about going bald ?

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