on 05-05-2015 10:17 PM
Maybe we are way too lenient on criminals.
on 05-05-2015 10:21 PM
on 05-05-2015 10:34 PM
Drug induced bravery?
on 06-05-2015 12:03 AM
That is so disgusting. So is the judge.
What does this have to do with Bali?
on 06-05-2015 05:16 AM
on 06-05-2015 05:19 AM
I dunno how you get approval to bring stuff over from Facebook, Bob, and I get arrested by the board Sergeant everytime I do,
on 06-05-2015 08:10 AM
I agree with you AGAIN Bob. That's twice now. Little BUGS should be squashed.
I know! Let's make them heros, and have a University issue scholarships in their names.
on 06-05-2015 11:52 AM
And the judge believes he (one of the vermin ) is "on the way to rehabilitation".
on 06-05-2015 12:22 PM
@bright.ton42 wrote:And the judge believes he (one of the vermin ) is "on the way to rehabilitation".
that's right! He has graduated from (beating up on) women and children to disabled men.
If he was a son of mine, I'd give him beat up on ANYONE.
on 06-05-2015 02:39 PM
He appears to have learnt the art of kickboxing in rehabilitation. (Some fancy footwork is shown) So......he has disciplined his body to learn something; now he has to discipline his brain.