on 17-09-2013 09:23 PM
Some parents didn't even realise the school was closing until media approached them for interviews.
Queensland Teachers' Union deputy secretary Kate Ruttiman says the lack of communication isn't good enough, particularly given the union, like many others, has had to hear about the announcement in the media.
"Those principals only found out an hour before the rest of their communities did that their schools would be closing," she said.
"You would think out of respect for those communities they'd have a little bit more notice."
Deputy Opposition Leader Tim Mulherin slammed the closures as a cash grab, saying the government is more concerned about clearing prime real-estate areas than the school communities.
Mr Mulherin suggested the decision, initially expected in July, was delayed until after the federal election so it wouldn't negatively impact Liberal National Party candidates.
Mr Langbroek rejected the claims and said any money gained from the school closures would go back into the education system.
on 20-09-2013 10:59 AM
that's just the thing isn't it Vampire?, the ever changing demigraphics
they close them due to an aging population in an area, then in 10-20 years time, it's an area with lots of young children again and schools have to be built.
It is ALWAYS prime real estate too, the same happned here in Vic
Waussies, i hate to say it but there was lots of opposition from parents and teachers here too when Kennett closed down the schools, but it all fell on deaf ears