on 26-06-2013 11:07 AM
Obama Lays Out Climate Change Plan
US President Barack Obama has laid out a broad new plan to fight climate change, using executive powers to get around "flat earth" science deniers who have blocked action in Congress.
Obama called for new restrictions on existing and new power plants to curb carbon emissions, pledged to push new generation clean energy sources and to lead a fresh global effort to stem global warming.
Officials say the plan will allow the US to meet a goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 17 per cent below 2005 levels by 2020, a pledge Obama made at the inconclusive Copenhagen summit in 2009.
Obama argued that Americans were already paying the "price of inaction" against climate change, describing 2012 as the warmest year in human history, which parched farmlands in the US heartland.
Obama said he had no patience for climate change deniers, including many in Congress, who dispute the science holding that carbon dioxide emissions contribute to a dangerously warming planet.
"We don't have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society," he said.
"Sticking your head in the sand might make you feel safer, but it is not going to protect you from the coming storm."
Obama's plan is based on a three-pronged approach: cutting carbon pollution in the US, mitigating the impact of climate change, and seeking international action to address it.
Obama committed to withdrawing support for coal-fired power plants abroad and offered to discuss new initiatives with big emitters like India and China.
Umm aah!
"Flat Earth Society"!
"Sticking your head in the sand"!
on 26-06-2013 03:50 PM
My personal favorite.....as Alarmists prefer to read pictures.....:^O
on 26-06-2013 04:31 PM
LL, it is interesting if you study the loci of the graphs in #5 above ( world population & emissions) There is a very close relationship between the rate of change over the years of both graphs, notice the increase in the slope around 1950, and the absolute increase over 200 years (both graphs) of approximately a factor of 6.
Perhaps Mother Nature will take a hand and reduce the world population sometime in the distant future!
on 26-06-2013 04:37 PM
LL, it is interesting if you study the loci of the graphs in #5 above ( world population & emissions) There is a very close relationship between the rate of change over the years of both graphs, notice the increase in the slope around 1950, and the absolute increase over 200 years (both graphs) of approximately a factor of 6.
Perhaps Mother Nature will take a hand and reduce the world population sometime in the distant future!
yes. its ironic that the climate itself may make the adjustments required, people are seemingly incapable or have a distorted view of exactly which self interests to consider. always the short -term 10cent price rise it seems..
on 26-06-2013 04:38 PM
on 26-06-2013 05:16 PM
carbon dioxide man made warming /climate change nonsense
Obama wasting everyone's time worrying about carbon dioxide and sending industries overseas and bringing America down to Third World level.
He should worry about the
- Radiation from Fukushima - has not gone away just because the media has forgotten about it.
- Loop current / Gulf stream affected by Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Now this will affect climate and possibly tip the world into an Ice age.
Note the extremes of cold in Europe over the last couple of years - given minimal media attention as it does not suit the agenda
Colder climate will kill far more people through cold and crop loss than some supposed
carbon dioxide warming, ever will.
A colder climate will kill many many more.
on 26-06-2013 05:22 PM
climate change makes it warmer and colder so yes thats right, cold weather and extremely hot weather is going to kill plenty directly and indirectly.
the view that man made change doesn't/hasn't occurred has been completely discredited.
on 26-06-2013 05:59 PM
America wants a carbon tax to fill their empty coffers...
on 26-06-2013 06:29 PM
AJ: "Gulf stream affected by Gulf of Mexico oil spill" Codswallop AJ, but credible a reference would be good. Ice age? Are you related to TRBAG?
AJ : "Colder climate will kill far more people through cold and crop loss than some supposed carbon dioxide warming, ever will. " Absolute nonsense.
"An estimated 70,000 people died when parts of Europe boiled in the summer of 2003, according to a history of that heat wave"
"In the hottest summer since 1540, more than 40,000 people died, mainly in France, when a record heatwave hit Europe. For seven days temperatures topped 40c (104F) in northern France, where very few homes have air-conditioning."
"Early 2012 European cold wave - As of February 11, 2012 at least 590 people died during a cold snap with temperatures falling below −35 °C (−31 °F) in some regions.[3] Ukraine is the worst hit, with over 100 deaths related to the cold."
June 201`3
A new scientific evaluation by the United Nations reveals that radiation exposure from the Fukushima nuclear accident, brought about by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami two years ago, is unlikely to result in future health problems for workers and residents in the region.
According to the report, the doses delivered for the two most significant radionuclides (iodine-131 and caesium-134/caesium-137) in the first year and subsequent years from the accident are less than the doses received from natural background radiation.
AJ, I know you are averse to research, but why post such complete nonsense?
on 26-06-2013 07:07 PM
on 26-06-2013 07:16 PM
How odd John, the consumption of Coca Cola also matches the those graphs
THAT'S IT consumption is the cause 🙂