Oh Dear

Community Member

Anarchist Lesbian Gloria ihas been outed  according to all reports this morning and last night.. Wilma is a  Labor stooge has been outed as well.

The shark was jumped by all. Open season on PM Abbott is the menu du jour it seems.



BETTER known as Gloria, the granny telephone sex worker who was embroiled in the “wink, wink” talkback scandal with Prime Minister Tony Abbott­ has been revealed as a proud feminist­ by the name of Judith Power.

But the self-confessed anarchist says she has never been a member of a political party, despite a Liberal Party Twitter account’s claim that the 67-year-old from Melbourne is an ALP branch secretary.


Gloria, whose telephoned revelation to Mr Abbott on Jon Faine’s ABC show that she worked on an adult sex line to make ends meet sparked a wink from the Prime Minister on Wednesday, yesterday labelled­ the Prime Minister “stupid” and as “sleazy” as some of her callers.

Speaking to the ABC yesterday, Gloria said she was glad the “winkcident” had received so much coverage because it had shone a light on the issues she was raising in relation to the Budget’s impact on Australians battling to pay the bills. She rejected the incident as “a curious thing”.

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Oh Dear

well, there wouldn't have been any of that from me. Nor do I read any of the rubbish propaganda put out by any political party. I was referring to what I've seen posted here



I do follow the ABC on twitter and I've never seen anything like that coming from them



Clearly abbott has an image problem and belittling the woman who made the phone call is not ging to fix it

Message 31 of 140
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Oh Dear

deb it was a wink for crying out loud... isnt there more important things in your life than the carry on over a wink that we are seeing.


what next from the left and their hate, he wont be allowed to smile or blink.


sad world and sad life from the people that are making all this noise and showing all this outrage over a WINK.



Message 32 of 140
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Oh Dear

nero, I don't think it's just the wink that's the problem, lol

Message 33 of 140
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Oh Dear

@debra9275 wrote:

well, there wouldn't have been any of that from me. Nor do I read any of the rubbish propaganda put out by any political party. I was referring to what I've seen posted here



I do follow the ABC on twitter and I've never seen anything like that coming from them



Clearly abbott has an image problem and belittling the woman who made the phone call is not ging to fix it

Do you know why he winked or have you not bothered to find out why??? 


When you take calls from the public the host of the show has the power to disconnect calls that are possibly set up... Abbott looked a the host and winked to say that he was fine taking the call.... it happens all the time... he laughed because as a set up call it is a hot topic... he probably knew that it was going to go viral... I say good on him for taking the call as it turns out it was a set up... she didn't use her real name and she is 100% from the other side of the LNP side... 


If you ever listened to the amazing Stan Zemanek he took calls all the time that were set up.. he use to cut them off or keep them on depending on how he felt at the time... 


he would have winked if it was a man... then people would have accused him of having a problem with gays... 


blah blah blah... people only want to hear what they want to hear. 

Message 34 of 140
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Oh Dear

@nero_wulf wrote:

deb it was a wink for crying out loud... isnt there more important things in your life than the carry on over a wink that we are seeing.


what next from the left and their hate, he wont be allowed to smile or blink.


sad world and sad life from the people that are making all this noise and showing all this outrage over a WINK.



I'm willing to bet that had it been Ms Gillard or Mr Rudd that did the winking etc, that the Lib supporters would have had a field day with that on this forum.

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Message 35 of 140
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Oh Dear

CM that's what he said on day one, on day 2 his story changed a little


abbott still has a serious image problem, no two ways around that

Message 36 of 140
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Oh Dear

Mr Abbott said that it was Jon Faine who had winked first and he was just returning it. Jon Faine said that he did not wink at Tony Abbott. Mr Abbott has a bad track record when it comes to women and is perceived to be the mysognist that he portrays. He is an embarrassment and needs to lift his game. He is the PM now and needs to act appropriately and not like a sleazebag.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 37 of 140
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Oh Dear

A wink makes him a sleazebag? What does that make a phone sex worker?

Message 38 of 140
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Oh Dear

@debra9275 wrote:

well, there wouldn't have been any of that from me. Nor do I read any of the rubbish propaganda put out by any political party. I was referring to what I've seen posted here



I do follow the ABC on twitter and I've never seen anything like that coming from them



Clearly abbott has an image problem and belittling the woman who made the phone call is not ging to fix it

It is not just Tony Abbott that cops this type of abuse... plenty of the LNP MP's cop it... lets see if this attack goes top line on the ABC news.. 



Here is a classic example of the type of attack that the laft inflict on the right side of politics. You tell me that the ALP were given such violent treatment??? Show me an example!!! 




Message 39 of 140
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Oh Dear

yeah that's how the media is whipping ppl into a murderous rage

Message 40 of 140
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