One country

Community Member

This rubbish only serves to divide.
Personally I get sick of hearing from people who live in NSW saying how great they are and the rest of the country is nothing
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One country

Community Member
From your posts I see that you are particularly about yourself.
I hate people as a rule but I'm a School Crossing Supervisor.
I have been driving the Coleraine community car for eight years now.
There is a large group of old people that demand I drive them to their appointments.
These people wouldn't give me the time of day until I turned up to drive them because they had judged me by my appearance.
I always give everyone I meet in person one chance.
If you treat me poorly you're done for.
I am very observant of human behaviour and I let people expose themselves before I open up to them.
The nature of the volunteer work I do means that I have to spend a lot of time with some great people and also some very awful racist sexist mainly men that not one of the female drivers will go near.
There is only one crazy RWNJ lady and I bite my tongue with these people.
I drove the Tram because I needed to do something better than be the bank teller my mother forced me to be.
I hate bankers as much as politicians. Ex banker politicians are worse than the devil.
I was a Sexton (grave digger) for ten years and during that time a Boarding House Master for three.
I don't like to work just for money.
I hate money and have very little and don't care to make more than enough to eat and pay bills, hopefully buy the odd slot car.
You are always boasting about how successful you are on ebay and how you can make so much money with sheep.
I would like to see a world where no one makes money from animals whatsoever.
When I do the School Crossing work I drive 725 kilometres a week and lose so much dole that I get six dollars an hour.
I could quit because it does not meet my mutual obligation but I won't because they can't get anyone to do it on a casual basis and they live in Hamilton and don't have to drive and old age pensioners get to keep all the money and they are all old age pensioners except the guy who receives a defence force pension
My health is so poor that I can't work a physical job any more but I'm an awful person and should stop pretending that I'm not
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