PM Announces Aust Arms Airlifts In Iraq

Australian war planes will deliver arms and munitions to Kurdish fighters battling Islamic State militants in Iraq.


Prime Minister Tony Abbott has agreed to a United States government request for Australia to transport military equipment on the Royal Australian Air Force C-130J Hercules and C-17A Globemaster aircraft.


Entire Article Here


Oh no, is all I can say.

Message 1 of 89
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PM Announces Aust Arms Airlifts In Iraq

One wonders if you would make such utterances in person rather than annonymous rants on  here?.


Somebody should say something.


Message 21 of 89
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PM Announces Aust Arms Airlifts In Iraq

@paintsew007 wrote:

mica: Oil???? you've got to be kidding, we are witnessing mass murder.

Your simplistic one liner is  unmentionable ......  I am not permitted to say what i really think of it.



er....'war' is all about mass murder. Get real.


This issue is about was the 'first time' we went in and supported the US....and 'messed up'....and same with Afganistan.


It is about 'control' of a precious resource - oil.


Why are you trying to make out that I am all for war and killing innocent people. I am not.


All I am saying here is that our govt is peddling a reason to support the US bombing of people - baddies and goodies- but innocents amongst them.The US wants to have access to their precious oil supply at all costs and any war/fighting in the area would 'mess up' their access to the throwing a few bombs around would end/finish any waging fighting quickly and keep access to oil reserves and supplies open.




and the Russians have huge natural resources that the US would like to gain control of, thats why they have been meddling in the Ukraine, "humanitarian" aid by us in Iraq...pffffttt what a joke - yet the same govt has slashed our foreign aid budget, there's plenty of humanitarian crises happening and yet with all our wealth we cut the aid, "no choice" yes that is right in only one respect and for both major parties - when the US says jump, we say how high master. 


WFP says it needs $70m to feed 1.3m people in Ebola quarantine


Message 22 of 89
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PM Announces Aust Arms Airlifts In Iraq

@micasheen wrote:

One wonders if you would make such utterances in person rather than annonymous rants on  here?.


Somebody should say something.


somebody is saying something


I agree Paints.


So just the other week when Israel was mass murdering Palestinians, what were we doing? nothing.


Paints, you might like this


Islamic State: Has the West let the Genie out of the Bottle?


Crisis Engineering and the Petrodollar


War is a game of deception, and just as many of the worst blunders in history have been based on false information, some of the most successful manoeuvres to engage the enemy have been carried out under false flags. From time immemorial generals have known that the best way to start a war is to make it look like the enemy delivered the first blow. When it’s necessary to engage first, using a proxy to attack your enemy can offer impunity. Never underestimate the power of public opinion – you must always have the people on side.


In case anyone hasn’t noticed, the bottom fell out of America years ago. We hear a lot about the great disparity of wealth in the US, but what is more disturbing is that there is no middle-America. Its labour market has been outsourced to China and India and they’ve spent the last 12 years fighting the most expensive war in history. This puts the United States in the unique position where its money would scarcely be worth the paper it’s printed on, were it not the world reserve currency.

Message 23 of 89
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PM Announces Aust Arms Airlifts In Iraq

yes Boris.


Somebody is saying something.Smiley Wink

Message 24 of 89
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PM Announces Aust Arms Airlifts In Iraq

@paintsew007 wrote:


One wonders if you would make such utterances in person rather than annonymous rants on  here?.


Somebody should say something.




Who are you?!

Rest assured I would also state same in person, on any street corner and to anyone, any place and anytimeSmiley Wink


....ask anyone that knows me LOLSmiley LOL

One wonders if you would make such utterances in person rather than annonymous rants on  here?.


Yes I often wonder the same thing about some of the anti asylum seeker ranters on here.

Message 25 of 89
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PM Announces Aust Arms Airlifts In Iraq

@micasheen wrote:

Oil???? you've got to be kidding, we are witnessing mass murder.

Your simplistic one liner is  unmentionable ......  I am not permitted to say what i really think of it.


The Rwandan Genocide was a genocidal mass slaughter of Tutsi and moderate Hutu in Rwanda by members of the Hutu majority. During the approximate 100-day period from April 7, 1994 to mid-July, an estimated 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed,[1] constituting as much as 20% of the country's total population and 70% of the Tutsi then living in Rwanda


No oil in Rwanda

Message 26 of 89
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PM Announces Aust Arms Airlifts In Iraq

I don’t see the point.


Are you saying that, as, in your opinion, we have propensity to act only when it is in our self-interest – this means we shouldn’t act at all.

Message 27 of 89
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PM Announces Aust Arms Airlifts In Iraq

@tall_bearded01 wrote:

I don’t see the point.


Are you saying that, as, in your opinion, we have propensity to act only when it is in our self-interest – this means we shouldn’t act at all.

We should act everywhere or nowhere.  Either we care about other human beings or we don't. 

Message 28 of 89
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PM Announces Aust Arms Airlifts In Iraq

Interesting point of view.


As for me it’s - anywhere, anytime, whenever we can.


But maybe we have already decided to do so. Recent overseas deployments. Afghanistan, East Timor, the Solomon islands, and in fact every other place where the UN has asked us to go, and if memory serves, none of these places have oil reserves and in fact nothing we need or want or can’t make ourselves.


So, considering we are a nation of only 23 million we appear to be punching well above our weight.

Message 29 of 89
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PM Announces Aust Arms Airlifts In Iraq

@polksaladallie wrote:

@tall_bearded01 wrote:

I don’t see the point.


Are you saying that, as, in your opinion, we have propensity to act only when it is in our self-interest – this means we shouldn’t act at all.

We should act everywhere or nowhere.  Either we care about other human beings or we don't. have no real opinion either way? I'm gobsmacked to read that you participate on here, argue and opine but you have no real opinion or stance on the subject.


What on earth is wrong with some people, is it argument for the sake of it? not game to stand up and be counted when it's important to do so? 

Message 30 of 89
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