POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

MENTAL AS ANYTHING isn't it? Spirit Got Lost    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_G5dpgeWb4


I've always believed in the 'Fair Go' principles and indeed history of the ALP, but I don't recognise this version of it.....did they lose the plot?...and with the only alternative being TONY, (who can't even string a few sentences together on short notice).....aren't we all feeling a tad........lost?...like are we ROOOONED?


...if only LNP, (or for that matter ALP) would change leaders to those we saw debating on Q&A, just before Christmas?....(Namely Rudd and Turnbull)....I was excited to see them both debate intelligently and HUMOUROUSLY.....so why aren't they the ones we're voting for?.  To hell with Personalities & this never ending 'War of the Egos'...I'd prefer intelligence.


I think Australia is in real crisis, and the choices aren't good...time to discuss how confused we all might be instead of the rubbish red vs blue carp.  Let's face it...BOTH SUCK !!!   Should we be focusing more on local MP's and what they have to offer their respective electorates? (irrespective of partisan leanings?)...isn't that what it's about?  REPRESENTATIVE Government?


BTW, this thread isn't an invitation to the spammers & belligerent bp'ers (hopefully we can discuss politics in general, without red vs blue condescension, insult, angst or bp'ing)....??


NON divisive humour is MANDATORY the other kind (i.e. sarcastic & divisive).... is not welcome....both sides are  open game....no holds barred.


It's wacking day, oh wacking day, our hallowed Pollie Head Cracking Day......


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POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

did the spirit get lost? no labor came to power 😛

Message 21 of 26
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POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

what a wit, and so original..

Message 22 of 26
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POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?


Spirit got lost????


If there is grog missing then I would blame Sir Les





Nup, Barnaby beat him to it.

Message 23 of 26
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POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?


freaky, I do think the country is in crisis....have you checked out regional unemployment lately?.......most regional cities & towns are going out backwards my friend with absolutely NO HELP from any level of Govt. and essential services going up and up and up with no jobs to supplement the increases.  = Poverty....people have to go without in regional Oz.


& they've been going out backwards since John Howards era when the infrastructure and front line service funding was stripped bear to get a surplus.........Our region had the highest unemployment in Australia in 2007, and it's even higher now....no difference to regional towns who gets into power...none can find us on a map unless there's a mine to plunder.



This area has the highest unemployment also and everyone is crying for the good old days but they are gone.  The factories closed because they are antique and not efficient. 


At the same time though there are other choices and other businesses being created.  There are hundreds of industries that did not exist when I was young that employ thousands now.


It's easy to sit and blame the government and greenies, as we do, but it's more the result of times changing, not the government and greens.


I for one would not go back to the old ways, even if that means people have to find alternative jobs than the one their grandfather planned to hand down.

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POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?


I totally agree with that....it was refreshing to see Turnbull and RUDD discuss our DYING manufacturing industry and what they'd do via bipartisan and partisan polices to fix that....they had the audience captivated and they were humourous.  Since then all the Pollies they've had on Q & A have been boring as bat excrement....they just don't know how to articulate without the slogans and finger pointing...boring.


I seriously believe both sides need to adopt the leaders most of us want to vote for...e.g. if Rudd didn't get in, I'd have no problem if Turnbull did..= both seem intelligent and motivated in a positive way....if Tony gets in...all I can say is I'm glad I'm gonna be on the road ignoring it all.


Just because they can perform and tell people what they want to hear on TV does not mean they would perform as PM any better than what we have now.


Turnbull is not the sort of person I thought he was.  He would make a good snake oil salesperson.   The Yes/No referendum failed thanks largely to his hijacking of the process.


Message 25 of 26
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POLITICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY....did the spirit get lost?

Hi freaky....on the referendum issue, I notice none are too worried about recognising local Govt.....ho hum....bureaucracies are different to human beings...lol


I don't know if you've noticed, but both Turnbull and Rudd, did the sleep out last night to raise money for homelessness.....there's something a bit more human about both of them when they're ready to do that.....wasn't Tony and Julia at the Ball?...blimey, I could have a field day with that one...lol....which one was Cinderella?,, & who kidnapped the handsome prince?

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