Pandemic pass off.

Fork the swab because it's a bugger of a thing, takes too long, is too expensive and if not done properly

can too easily give false results. When I was tested ( swab ) in April 2020 I was advised that the test wasn't
totally accurate ( they quoted 75-80% ) and it would be best to have it done twice.


Cosmologically speaking we are all little more than a bacterial film on a soft rock hurtling through an unimaginable void.
Don't take it all too seriously.
Message 1 of 12
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Pandemic pass off.

What expense? Tests are supposed to be free.

Message 2 of 12
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Pandemic pass off.

I didn't actually say that we had to pay ( apart from indirectly of course ).

Simply pointing out that it would be cheaper at somewhere in the order of

$10-$15 compared to $200.00 for the PCR swab test.


If all goes well with this new technology many old style pathology tests

will be occuring inside a doctor's surgery. 


Cosmologically speaking we are all little more than a bacterial film on a soft rock hurtling through an unimaginable void.
Don't take it all too seriously.
Message 3 of 12
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Pandemic pass off.

At first glance, I thought your thread title read " Pandemic **bleep** off",


We aren't required to wear masks in shopping centres or public places as yesterday, so that's great.
Message 4 of 12
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Pandemic pass off.

Ok I'll try it backwards... "ssip off"
Message 5 of 12
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Pandemic pass off.

Around end June this year some very accurate breath test systems will be approved.
Currently being trialled against PCR test at Changi airport and other locations.
Initial results looking great in terms of comparative accuracy. 


Cosmologically speaking we are all little more than a bacterial film on a soft rock hurtling through an unimaginable void.
Don't take it all too seriously.
Message 6 of 12
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Pandemic pass off.

@dontmissthese wrote:

Fork the swab because it's a bugger of a thing, takes too long, is too expensive and if not done properly

can too easily give false results. When I was tested ( swab ) in April 2020 I was advised that the test wasn't
totally accurate ( they quoted 75-80% ) and it would be best to have it done twice.


Accuracy has been an issue with these tests and it has been suspected that the positives have been inflated. Interesting, helpful contributor rogespeed did post a link to an ABC article about false positives etc.. Sadly I can't remember where it was as it was early this year or late last I recall.

Message 7 of 12
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Pandemic pass off.

On Covid topic...
Nearly 1,000 Indonesian medical workers have died of Covid-19, including more than a dozen who were already fully inoculated, according to the country’s medical association.


Australia, Japan and the United States have offered help to Indonesia, which is largely relying on Chinese-made Sinovac vaccine and seeking to diversify its vaccine supply sources.


Maybe AstraZeneca isn't so bad after all.
Maybe the dead inoculated didn't get Sinovac but still.


Cosmologically speaking we are all little more than a bacterial film on a soft rock hurtling through an unimaginable void.
Don't take it all too seriously.
Message 8 of 12
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Pandemic pass off.

I think is why they take two samples per test 

Message 9 of 12
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Pandemic pass off.

Must take into account that a vaccine takes a few weeks to become effective 


63,000 covid related untimely deaths so far -  so long after the start of pandemic , why all of a sudden the lethal upsurge ?

There is an upsurge in England as well but with a really low death rate 


An now the super Peru Lambda variant spreading 

I hope we do better than with the Indian delta variant ( 1 capital city on the razors edge and 2 billion $  redirected from future free dental ? )


and we still allow returnees .... 

Message 10 of 12
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