
Took some pics of the Crikey K9s in the pool this arvo.


Anyone else got any pics of their pets to share?



Harry (black one) is 5 and a bit and Arthur has just turned 5.






Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
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Awwww. I want to come to your pool party.  Harry and Arthur look like great fun and super cute.


I have 2 cats now.

Message 2 of 83
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Thank you, Arthur is a little ripper, I swear he's got ADD - that tail never stops. Harry is very reserved though, but he loves to swim, loves the surf and loves coming out on the surf skis.


Little one has been timid around water until the last few months, musta just taken him some time to get his sea legs LOL



Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 4 of 83
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Pimpy, is that the koala you saved and took to the vet?

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 5 of 83
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Our dog Sammy who is in heaven now took a little while to find her sea legs as a puppy. Couldn't get her out of the water

for the next 15 years once she found them.


It is so nice when they enjoy a swim and a good cool down.


That Koala looks right at home there.

Message 6 of 83
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Pets his name really PongostinkybumTom....................Cat LOL

Message 7 of 83
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No pets.  Therefore no need for a camera!  


Oh, wait, I have a Pet Rock! But she refuses to get on a float ....even at Mardi Gras! 



Message 8 of 83
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Harry was originally called Pimple, cos he has a black head.


Arthur got his name cos no one would decide on a name for him, so everyone was calling the poor little tacker something different. Eventually I said in exasperation, "Hurry up and choose a name, cos this poor dog dosn't know if he's Arthur or Martha"...


seeing as he is a boy - he got Arthur

Some people can go their whole lives and never really live for a single minute.
Message 9 of 83
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yep. That photo is a few days before I took her in. She's not home yet.

Message 10 of 83
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