Photography & Photos



This thread is about photography and photos, not to be confused with the Weekly Photo Challenge.


The thread is an ongoing one with no time limit and no challenges.


Anyone is welcome to submit photographs here for everyone's viewing pleasure.


Questions and comments should pertain to photos or photography. 


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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Photography & Photos

Dew Drops B W.jpg

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 1081 of 1,392
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Photography & Photos

Great photos, poddster - good to see you posting again.


JDS - any suggestions for camera settings for the lightning shots?  I would definitely need to use the timer or remote as lightning startles me every time, lol.  Also took your suggestion and signed up for a beginning digital photography class.  It starts in mid-September - really looking forward to it. 

Message 1082 of 1,392
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Photography & Photos

When you attend, you will most likely be fed a bunch of rules (rule of thirds, etc). Take them with a major grain of salt. The components of a camera and the ways to utilize them will be of much more import.  A good photo-editing software program is a must.  I started with Photoshop CS4 for windows, and when I upgraded to a Mac, Adobe wouldn't provide me with a Mac copy, so I purchased CS6.  My dad uses CS4.


A tripod, remote shutter release, and lighting is also helpful.

Message 1083 of 1,392
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Photography & Photos

Darwin, your dad, poddy, and jds have given us all some great advise. I do have a tripod, that I always forget to take with me. I need to buy the remote. Your dad even gave me a few cheap links to buy a remote. I have aperture, which I didn't use until I started posting here. Your dad also gave me a tool(photomatix HDR) to use with aperture, which sometimes gives me good results, and other times I like the way my photo looks from the first version that I took. 


I didn't even realise that aperture had a black and white option until this weeks photo challenge. As I said.... I'm a beginner... beginner, newly interested in photography. 

Us beginners really appreciate the tips. 


I like your photos a lot, fake. I hope the class doesn't take away some of your unique style. I do think a class on learning the components of a camera would do me a world of good. 

no siggy
Message 1084 of 1,392
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Photography & Photos

Thanks for the heads up, Darwinsmom.  The class is suppose to focus on learning the functions of a digital camera and how best to use them.  I hope they touch on photo editing programs as I'm sorely lacking in that area.  And LOL on the items needed for lightning photos!


TCM - Thanks, I think my "unique" style is that I can't hold a camera straight, lol.  I seem to shoot at an angle, even though I think the vertical composition is straight when I'm shooting.  Kind of a cockeyed photographer here.     



Message 1085 of 1,392
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Photography & Photos

I do that also. It's easy to fix that in any of the editing programs. 😉

no siggy
Message 1086 of 1,392
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Photography & Photos

Glad to hear you've signed up for a photo course. You have questions that really need to be demonstrated rather than explained. What you should get from the course is how changing ISO, shutter speed and aperature affects an image. (It's much more than just lighten/darken the image.) Once you know and undertand those three thing, you control the image!

OK, before I answer your lightning question, let me say this....


Ideally, you should be inside a structure (house, barn, skyscraper) shooting from an open window. The second choice (and since I was sixty miles out in the desert, the method I used) is a vehicle. Put the camera on a tripod outside the vehicle and used a remote shutter release. Don't use the self timer here. You do not want any part of your body outside or touching the metal car body while there is lightning around. If you can hear thunder, it ain't safe. My settings were ISO 200, aperture f8 and 30 second exposures. You won't get lightning on every shot but if you shoot the entire storm, you should get a few. Look for rain falling below the clouds. The lightning usually uses that rain as a path to earth. Aiming the camera for that rainfall should increase your chances of getting the bolts. Since I was way distant from any lights, I could do long exposures. If you're in town (and lightning over a cityscape makes a very nice image) you'll have to shorten the exposure. You could try two fifteen second exposures, three ten second, five six second, etc. Whatever is appropriate for the image you want. Search for lightning images to get an ideas for where you would take pictures, mountain, city, lake, whatever. BE CAREFUL!

Message 1087 of 1,392
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Photography & Photos

Thanks for the info, JDS.  I planned on being inside the house and the camera outside & under the extended eaves of the roof.  Will order the shutter release tomorrow so I can be ready for the next storm.


Years ago, a friend of mine was struck & killed by lightening walking out to her car after work (we were 30' away, but inside the building), so I have a very healthy respect, if not downright fear of lightning.

Message 1088 of 1,392
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Photography & Photos

Earlier this week, we had a bolt set fire to a tree in a cul-de-sac in town..........


One of the things I truly regret is not having a digital camera while I was experiencing the thrills of the navy.

Message 1089 of 1,392
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Photography & Photos

Initial results of sound operated speedlight design.

These results are rough just to see if the ide would work


There will be more detals at the other site for members


Sound Flash 1.jpg


screwdriver hitting surface


Sound Flash 3.jpgSound Flash 2.jpg


Pen and cable hitting surface



Sound Flash 4.jpg


Hose attachment dropped into watter, coloured water would have been better but more messy


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 1090 of 1,392
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