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Practicing posting photos and not having a lot of luck. Used to be able to do it.
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Sorry, I missed that you were using an iPad.  It's crazy that you can't post photos from one.

Message 11 of 46
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Thanks J I have no photos on lippy. New hard drive. Much easier to load direct from computer. But can you do it on iPad?

Think I best go have sleep. This is doing my head in lol
Message 12 of 46
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No, I don't think you can from an iPad.  It's a major fault because many people are getting away from desk tops and laptops now.  Lithium should look at that.

Message 13 of 46
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@purplecarrot-top wrote:
Freaki I am using iPad. Can I do it on this?

Bugger, not sure. Got no ipad here.  

Looks like you need an app to paste with.

Message 14 of 46
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@purplecarrot-top wrote:
Thanks J I have no photos on lippy. New hard drive. Much easier to load direct from computer. But can you do it on iPad?

Think I best go have sleep. This is doing my head in lol

On the Samsung I can copy images to clipboard then insert but I don't know if ipad has clipboard


Message 15 of 46
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Purps, the ipad uses the mobile version of the boards, same as with a phone. Go right down to the very bottom of the page, you will see version: mobile/full site (or something simliar) press on full site. That will bring up more of the options with posting. I dont think smilies or fonts come up, but the attachment box and browse button does, you could use that for posting photos from you ipad. I think. In theory it should, I havent yet tested it too far.

Message 16 of 46
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My iPad doesn't have the 'Full' option like the iPhone. What you see seems to be all you get. There is a button for attachments when you reply but it is inactive.

Copy and paste seems to work differently depending on the site too. I can highlight and copy on most sites but not on the forum, which is a pain when you want to quote.
Message 17 of 46
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Good grief woman, have you killed your lappy AGAIN???

Message 18 of 46
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Was that to me, pimpy? It's teetering along but not happy. ๐Ÿ˜ž
Message 19 of 46
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Lol Pimpy. No it is okay . Just been using iPad. Will try lippy today.
Message 20 of 46
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