Prime Minister Tony Abbott caught winking after a caller identified herself as a phone sex worker.

He's the Minister for Women. 




“I’ve got my purse and my gift and my gloves and my selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor and my monoamine oxidase inhibitor and I have my anti-anxiety disco biscuits and I am ready to go. I am really ready!” Sheila
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Prime Minister Tony Abbott caught winking after a caller identified herself as a phone sex worker.

Methinks the guy in the green shirt knows the law regards assault.  I know security guards use similar actions. 



Message 21 of 38
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Prime Minister Tony Abbott caught winking after a caller identified herself as a phone sex worker.

Even Abbott thinks admits he should not have winked. Although he blames the radio host smiling at him for his response. The radio host said he 'raised an eyebrow' though when the caller started talking.

"Prime Minister Tony Abbott has admitted he should not have winked at a radio host when a sex hotline worker called to ask him about the budget."

"I shouldn't have done it, Karl. I should've been more focused on the caller and more focused on the interview."
Mr Abbott said he was "momentarily distracted" by Faine.

Asked if he was being disparaging towards the woman, Mr Abbott said he was attempting to engage with the caller.
''Mistakes are always regrettable . . . and I will do my best having made a mistake yesterday to make none today,'' he said.

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Message 22 of 38
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Prime Minister Tony Abbott caught winking after a caller identified herself as a phone sex worker.

@am*3 wrote:
Even Abbott thinks admits he should not have winked. Although he blames the radio host smiling at him for his response. The radio host said he 'raised an eyebrow' though when the caller started talking.

"Prime Minister Tony Abbott has admitted he should not have winked at a radio host when a sex hotline worker called to ask him about the budget."

"I shouldn't have done it, Karl. I should've been more focused on the caller and more focused on the interview."
Mr Abbott said he was "momentarily distracted" by Faine.

Asked if he was being disparaging towards the woman, Mr Abbott said he was attempting to engage with the caller.
''Mistakes are always regrettable . . . and I will do my best having made a mistake yesterday to make none today,'' he said.

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It is so typical of this person to blame whoever else was there. 

The old "he made me do it" plea.

Message 23 of 38
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Prime Minister Tony Abbott caught winking after a caller identified herself as a phone sex worker.

Yes, he is responsible for his reaction(s).

"On Thursday during his radio program, Mr Faine rejected comments that he winked or smirked at Mr Abbott.
''I raised an eyebrow because it's not every day that a grandmother on radio says that she supplements her pension by working on a sex call line,'' he said"
Message 24 of 38
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Prime Minister Tony Abbott caught winking after a caller identified herself as a phone sex worker.

The wink was one thing. The smirk was quite another. He really does take us for fools.


Aren't we the lucky country. Our esteemed Prime Minister is going to try really really really hard to not make a mistake today. And they keep saying the adults are in charge.


Message 25 of 38
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Prime Minister Tony Abbott caught winking after a caller identified herself as a phone sex worker.

I know. Didn't he want to control what his MP's say to the media. And here he is, at large behaving like a loose canon.
Message 26 of 38
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Prime Minister Tony Abbott caught winking after a caller identified herself as a phone sex worker.

What's all the fuss about, call me heartless but I might have winked or even laughed.   An elderly pensioner comes on and implies she is forced to work as an adult phone sex worker to make ends meet because of his harsh budget.   Who could take that

seriously?   I hate his budget and feel deeply for those on low incomes who are badly affected but let the objectors be balanced about it.  And no, I'm no fan of Abbott in any way and as I said his budget disgusted me. 


Message 27 of 38
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Prime Minister Tony Abbott caught winking after a caller identified herself as a phone sex worker.

@bright.ton42 wrote:

What's all the fuss about, call me heartless but I might have winked or even laughed.   An elderly pensioner comes on and implies she is forced to work as an adult phone sex worker to make ends meet because of his harsh budget.   Who could take that

seriously?   I hate his budget and feel deeply for those on low incomes who are badly affected but let the objectors be balanced about it.  And no, I'm no fan of Abbott in any way and as I said his budget disgusted me. 


She didn't say she had to do the work because of his budget. She said his budget will make it harder for ehr to survive.


It's rather offensive the way when people tell him they're going to lose their insecure employment he responds with such comments as his employment is also insecure and he too has to worry about losing his job.  Really? He can't see the difference between a $40,000 a year earner and someone with a 5x higher than that pension to look secure his future?

Message 28 of 38
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Prime Minister Tony Abbott caught winking after a caller identified herself as a phone sex worker.

It was unprofessional to smirk while taking a call regarding his budget. Imagine if your doctor sniggered while inserting the speculum for a Pap smear, even if s/he was surprised to see you had dyed your pubic hair hot pink leopard spots
Message 29 of 38
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Prime Minister Tony Abbott caught winking after a caller identified herself as a phone sex worker.

Brighton - We expect more from a Prime Minister than we do a member of the public. If he can't compose himself and act appropriately live on camera, on the radio or in public then he is not the person for the job.

Abbott admitted (while trying to pass the blame on the radio host) he should not have winked.

If members of the public have a chance to talk to him about their difficulties, they do not want to hear about his life, as a reply.
Message 30 of 38
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