Racing Enquiry

Is anyone watching this. It is the best entertainment :^O.

Has the perfect cast, horses, colourful racing identities, the owner of a house of colourful reputation (don't think I am allowed to call it what it is), a jockey with a lot of previous suspensions, a retired footballer having memory troubles. Most of them suffering from selective amnesia.  What more could you want. Hollywood could not dream up this lot.:-x

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Racing Enquiry

Singo got fined next week's lunch money 😐




$15,000 for us commoners:-(

Message 11 of 20
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Racing Enquiry

i dont know if they let  mum take the rap so much as  realise his licence is worth more than hers.

Message 12 of 20
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Racing Enquiry

I am amazed there is anyone out there who seriously believes the racing industry ever was, is or ever will be anything other than shonky.

Message 13 of 20
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Racing Enquiry

I agree she ele, personally I don't believe the truth came out in this enquiry, I can't believe Gai didn't tell Tom more joyous was a non goer.  Andrew Johns was in fear of losing his job for channel 9, hence his lack of memory.

Message 14 of 20
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Racing Enquiry

I agree she ele, personally I don't believe the truth came out in this enquiry, I can't believe Gai didn't tell Tom more joyous was a non goer.  Andrew Johns was in fear of losing his job for channel 9, hence his lack of memory.


Of course he knew he confessed he laid off 300 grand (in a roundabout way) but would have held 10 times ( or more) that much on a beaten favourite


.... If he thought it had a chance to win he would have laid off much more


He made a big big  quid on that non information


When a bookie "lays off" imbalances, what he or she is doing is making a bet with another bookie, usually one who deals with a larger volume of wagers, either by tacit agreement with the bookie in question, or just by having one of their associates set up an anonymous wager.



If they have, say, a $1000 imbalance in favor of horse A, and they want to reduce their risk, they can make a wager for $1000 on Horse A, on the best terms they can get. If horse A wins, their own winnings cover the payout they will give to whomever represents that $1000 imbalance.


If horse A loses, they collect the losers' wagers, plus the vigorish, and (hopefully) pay less vig to the bookie they owe. Usually, they don't want to do this, since chances are that you break even or lose a little bit of money (since the upstream bookie probably sees the same trend in his wagers, he's likely to not give very good terms).


However, in some cases, it's unavoidable.


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Message 15 of 20
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Racing Enquiry


This one will end up bigger than the Fine Cotton / Haden Haitana scam



atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 16 of 20
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Racing Enquiry

Back in 1989 a friend of mine's father was owed $5000 and didnt look like getting it .


The guy offered him a half share in this horse Chime Zam so he took up the offer.


We "knew" when to back it.. they were hitting it with what was known back then as "the juice"


....won heaps especially on the 1990 Castlemaine...


 Much later in his career we got the call's "on" he was at 14/1 and I had 2000 to 8000. My friend (owners son) had 30k on the nose...we were well known "winners" and the local tab went wild... the line was out the door, across the road almost wending over to the main bar of the pub.


They jumped, giddy up, 1600 metre the 400 metre mark Chime Zam was 12th... at the line, he was 14th... out of 16


...... well.....


you could hear a pin drop in that TAB and the eyes were sharp enough to kill. My mate screwed up his ticket and threw it in the bin with about three fire trucks being uttered and then walked away...


I can remember vividly to this day me still staring at the screen holding the most expensive piece of scrap paper I have ever owned (with the eyes of 60 or so disgruntled punters burning through the back of my head.)


 At retirement he’d won 9 of 80, then was flat out throwing a winner to bless himself.


 The horse won just over half a million in prizemoney stats below

CHIME ZAM (AUS) br. H, 1987 DP = 4-1-1-0-0 (6) DI = 11.00   CD = 1.50 - 80 Starts, 9 Wins, 10 Places, 10 Shows Career Earnings: A$511,135

 Another common "trick" amongst greyhound owners is to shove a matchstick up the greyhounds clanger as they load it into the box... definitley not an enhancing move though...


you try and run with a matchstick stuck up an orifice when it should be "exit only"


atheism is a non prophet organization
Message 17 of 20
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Racing Enquiry

"I am amazed there is anyone out there who seriously believes the racing industry ever was, is or ever will be anything other than shonky."


Ditto TGSE, it's an industry full of spivs, charlatans, shady characters (sorry, "colourful racing identities") and shonks.  How some folk define it as a "sport" is beyond me.

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Message 18 of 20
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Racing Enquiry


Message 19 of 20
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Racing Enquiry

I am amazed there is anyone out there who seriously believes the racing industry ever was, is or ever will be anything other than shonky.


Agree.  I babysat for a jockey a long time ago, he could see that I was poor (see poor thread 😞 ), I used to take my children with me to babysitting jobs.  He asked me one night did I want to know what horse I wanted to bet on tomorrow.  I said no, probably because I had no money and because I didn't quite believe what he was saying.


Message 20 of 20
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